Monday, September 05, 2011

sick of them all

my father was a good man who believed in equality and tolerance, and that's the way he brought up us kids. over the years, however, particularly the last ten years, i have become less accepting.

for example, asians who cross the border here in our town have appalling bathroom habits. in the restrooms of the state park on the border and in the restroom in the port of entry, many asians stand on the stool seat to go to the bathroom. often they miss. their weight breaks the stool seat. i have no tolerance of this behavior. if they do not know any better than to go to the bathroom this way, keep them out of the country.

muslim people are a new group which is losing my good faith. at an elementary school in ft collins colorado recently, the american flag was lowered and the saudi arabian flag was raised. there is no reason that should have happened. and then there was the incident at the new york theme park. a group of muslims made plans to go to the park and when the women wanted to ride some of the rides, they were told they could not unless they removed their head scarves. in fact, they had been told that many times before their group arrived. it was a safety issue. and the muslims turned it into a hate issue.

ANY group of people who live in this country but will not honor our flag, speak our language, and pledge to uphold the values this country holds, should leave and never come back. or be thrown out, whichever.

i'm really sick of people in other countries being down on americans, and sick of people in this country being down on americans. political correctness has become a disgusting joke and a way to file law suits. americans are good people with many religions and ways of life. but when you want to walk all over us, and put your beliefs ahead of ours, go live someplace else.

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