Friday, March 30, 2012

too much fun

now today, boys and girls, we're going to go down the bunny slope. no ... wait ... not on your back ...

one big happy family

that's good. everyone just get along, now.

(it just shows how friendly everyone is in alaska!)

flexible flyer!

oh my god, this woman is 86 years old. she is totally amazing!

walk softly ...

man, it can get really vicious out there in nature. see goose. see man. see goose attack man. see goose chase man away.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

abuse encouraged

so you think we should accept muslims and their faith in this country? does that mean you think it's okay to abuse women?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

let's go play

i've always thought swiss family robinson looked like fun. if you ignored the spiders, the bugs, the mosquitoes. and last year my grandaughter and i climbed up (via stairs) into a tree house and later i realized i'd been bitten by something nasty.

but this tree house looks like fun and you're supposed to be able to live in it. for a day or however long. i'm not sure what i think, because ... wind?  spiders? tornadoes? ants? you'd have to be choosy where you built it, and spread around some kind of magic ward-away to keep little critters at bay.

but if you're just day dreamin', yeah. it'd be fun.

up ... no, down

here's another good video. about a climbing bear who understands english!

night lights

have you been in an airplane at night and seen the lights from the sky? from the cockpit? this video is so totally cool! i watched it first without the sound, then with the sound. it's easier to pay attention to what you're seeing without the sound. and it is sooooo neat!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

nature's beauty

MYS bought me some flowers before they left. awwww, that was so sweet. i don't get flowers very often, and these are beautiful. they are little carnations, creamy-white background just ever-so-slightly tinted with pale-pale-pale-yellow, with powdery hot pink and vivid violet colors on the edges. he couldn't have chosen better and i am still enjoying them. much pleasure!

bit o' blarney

the husband decided he wanted to have corned beef and cabbage this weekend. YAY! we love good corned beef. and he put it in the crock pot this morning before he left for the park. BOO! what?? well, i mean, come on. i've been sitting here at home all day, politely reading my book, and smelling that delicious smell. torture, i tell you!

but when he comes home ... YUMS!

great family!

MOS and his family were supposed to come up for the weekend a couple of weeks ago. then they all got the flu. oh yeah, i remember that -- young kids mean everyone's sick a lot of the time.

about the time of the cancellation we got the news that MYS and his fiancee were coming up for a couple of days on their way to a seminar she was going to. YAY! we hadn't seen them in x-months and it was great news.

older son, younger son, and the rest of us all got together one afternoon. it was great to have everyone in one place and i just wish we all lived in the same area so we could do that more often.

love them all!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

excellent summary

this is the most-well-done pregnancy video i've seen. actually i don't remember seeing any others, but this one wins, hands-down. i just wish i'd be able to see pictures of the kid, month-by-month, for the first three years.

career options

daddy dresses baby. sooooo cute!!

they're just ordinary people ....

this is totally cool. i don't think i could stay with this star wars project for a whole year, but it's fun that he did. and pretty clever. and i wonder how much time of his day, was taken up with doing it? storm troopers ... at ease.

what do you mean it's not funny?

this video of a laughing man makes me wonder what they're saying. his wife seems awfully glum. i suppose it could get pretty hard to be around him ....


do you like tiny houses? i do, and this maine husband-and-wife people have neat imaginations! yay bilbo!

now not so much ...

i'm trying to decide if i want to quit using google or not. their privacy issues are irritating. i used to love that company. . . . 'power corrupts' as they say. if i change blogs, i'll let you know.

Monday, March 05, 2012

worse than the past ....

i don’t have much imagination, but i have wondered what it would look like if there was a huge world war. these images are interesting but it seems to me like it would be much, much worse than these pictures indicate. but, again, maybe i just don't have enough imagination.

Friday, March 02, 2012

get outta my face!

if you're a firefox user, you will delight in this new information for staying aware of who's watching over your shoulder.