Saturday, April 28, 2012

many ways to touch someone

if someone you know and care for is in a nursing home and but a shell of their former self, expose them to music and see if it helps them want to be part of the world again. touching video. thanks, husband.

there's fun out there

i got such a kick out of this video. i mean, you're walking down the street, stop to push a button, and all hell breaks loose! (i got a real kick out of the kid!) at least this was all in fun -- yay!! i mean, can you imagine seeing some mad violence and then it turns out to be real? yuck, bad!

coughing is the pits

MOS and the grandkids came up a couple of weekends ago. that was a fun time. they're 2 and 4 now and gorgeous kids. after they went home i came down with a cold. that was bothersome for a few days, then i started this cough. oh good lord. this was a horrendous cough and i drank water and put heat on my chest and slept as much as i could. the cold is gone and the cough is retreating, but it lingers. i hear that whooping cough is going around. since i was immunized way back when, i wouldn't think it would be a problem for me, but this cough sounded a lot like how i imagine whooping cough would. kind of a bark. and omnipresent. and annoying as hell 'cause once it started up it just wouldn't quit. i didn't call the doctor for any meds, since we're having such a hard time getting my blood pressure meds figured out and since i already know i'm allergic to codeine, so i took some of those burt's bees cough drops and amazingly they worked pretty well. lemon drops also worked. fisherman's friend worked for the husband. i have no idea how those could have made a difference, but no sense in arguing with what works. and one of these days it will be all gone. thank heavens.


i've always been a brunette and i like my hair. in my twenties it was long and sleek and pretty. in the sunlight it would show some red hairs and sometimes you'd see a purple sheen. i thought that was cool. these days my hair reminds me a lot of my mother's .... she was a blonde.

math is complex

jason padgett must have an interesting life. he used to be a ne'er-do-well who was beaten up by some thugs and came away with a mind which understood math. his drawings are incredibly intricate, and he says he sees math formulas in everything around him (example below). i don't think i'd want to have his talent. it would probably be an imperative, and there wouldn't be much time for anything else.


these pictures of the colorado sky at night are beyond lovely. my favorite is the first one (shown below). nicely done, mike berenson!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

can't we just put the bad people on another planet?

it seems that once again everyone is being warned there's a really bad virus out there, and this time the fbi is involved.

so i went to the recommended site and scrolled down to the first one of their 'check it with this' sites and my computer seems to be okay.

for now.  sheesh.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

just (cough cough) a minute (cough cough) ... ouch

i've been sick -- a really yucky cold. usually i don't get sick, but this is the second cold this year. interesting that they can use the phrase 'a cold' for vastly differing symptoms. this last cold made me feel like i was 10 years old -- very snotty. and not from the nose but much deeper. yuck! and the cough from hell, or from the lungs anyway. irritating and very unpleasant. i'd like to go back to being well, please.

cities of the future

i saw an article the other day which discusses alternative housing for cities. it seemed curious to me that the ones which got the main prizes were not ones that i thought were impressive.

i was very interested, however, in this one which talks about putting a city into the side of a mountain. i'm not sure what the deal is on the surface covering they show, but maybe i didn't read the article hard enough. regardless, i would love to see this thing in action!

the only other one which caught my eye was this floating one.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

to beyond

this is just pretty darned cool. and it's hard for me to understand why he's unemployed. do businesses not understand what an imagination this guy has?

it's a 6-minute clip, but it's so interesting you don't even realize the time it's taking. enjoy!

Thursday, April 05, 2012

what's out there...

even though i'm completely out-of-touch with today's standards of humor, tv shows, music, pranks, etc, i think this kid is pretty cute. he seems like a normal kid who's pretty aware of things. take four minutes and see what you think.

i also think small houses are cute, but these little bungalows are a bit too small for me.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

oh, how cuuuuuute...

in a twist on the normal way of things, this mommy is cuter than the baby! i love the dandelion-head look!! (or shag rug or whatever you see...)

can you hear me?

this is an interesting room. i'd kind of like to try it myself. i mean, i've got this permanent ringing in my ears so it seems like the room shouldn't bother me as much. the article didn't mention if anyone has tested deaf people in there. i wonder what kind of 'being able to last' difference there is with that group?

stormy skies

wow -- this is unreal. i mean, there's just something about a tornado video ... you just can't not watch it. this one isn't too long and it shows, the first i've seen, a number of trucking units being picked up and tossed around. it's just like 'twister,' which i thought was a good flick. the thing that i really thought was weird, though, was seeing all the traffic continuing on the highway less than a mile away (a guess). don't those people know that's dangerous? a sign of the times, maybe, huh?