girls, how do you feel about your panty hose? okay, all you older girls then. i guess the young ones don't wear panty hose anymore. but anyhow, are you satisfied?
to me, it seems that some short, misogynistic, puny little guy is sneaking around the various panty hose factories and tweaking their equipment. i mean, what other explanation is there for putting on one leg and having it fit fine, then putting on the other leg and finding that the toe is 90 degrees off. i mean, really. it NEVER goes on my foot in a nice, comfortable way. so i have to twist and maneuver the hose as i'm pulling it up, and i always wonder if that little guy is having a good laugh.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
tired of criminals getting away with things? then fight back! although it won't surprise me in the least if the thief sues the 72-yr old for beating him up.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
it's time to once again plug my favorite computer radio station, -- it isn't really a radio station since you cannot pick it up in the car, just on your computer. but i don't know what else to call it.
anyhow, they have three choices of jazz: Jet City Lounge (nu-jazz with some vocals), Ambient Popsicle (adult alternative pop), and Low Mercury (psybient, illbient, ambient techno) which is hands-down my all-time favorite!
i have more than 1000 songs on my list and one of these days i'm going to have to get an i-pod so i can listen to this stuff at work (danged firewalls). oooooooh baby.....
anyhow, they have three choices of jazz: Jet City Lounge (nu-jazz with some vocals), Ambient Popsicle (adult alternative pop), and Low Mercury (psybient, illbient, ambient techno) which is hands-down my all-time favorite!
i have more than 1000 songs on my list and one of these days i'm going to have to get an i-pod so i can listen to this stuff at work (danged firewalls). oooooooh baby.....
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
universal truth?
part of the occasional thing that happens at work is they interview people for positions. the aspiring applicants show up in my *ahem* office (a.k.a. the reception area) where they can sit down to wait.
one man who came in today didn't seem nervous. i asked him if i should tell someone he was here and he said no, that he was half an hour early. i smiled and said okay.
he then mentioned he had driven over from a town which is about 50 minutes away, and since he wanted to make sure he got here in time, he left early.
then he had wondered how bad the back-up was going to be at the only traffic light in this little town -- there's been a huge amount of construction going on around that intersection the last x-months.
he was relieved when he arrived with no time lost and settled in to wait in the parking lot for 35 minutes.
but then he thought about maybe the elevator might quit working and decided he better come on up.
he chuckled about it and i laughed -- that's exactly how i would have worried about it. you, too?
one man who came in today didn't seem nervous. i asked him if i should tell someone he was here and he said no, that he was half an hour early. i smiled and said okay.
he then mentioned he had driven over from a town which is about 50 minutes away, and since he wanted to make sure he got here in time, he left early.
then he had wondered how bad the back-up was going to be at the only traffic light in this little town -- there's been a huge amount of construction going on around that intersection the last x-months.
he was relieved when he arrived with no time lost and settled in to wait in the parking lot for 35 minutes.
but then he thought about maybe the elevator might quit working and decided he better come on up.
he chuckled about it and i laughed -- that's exactly how i would have worried about it. you, too?
Sunday, June 24, 2007
the little battles
as per usual when my inner feisty-girl makes a strong statement, i am confronted with a dilemma: do i keep being miffed at the guy who was rude a couple of days past or do i let it go.
i really wish i could rein in my angry child because she stubbornly insists on having the last, and usually the loudest, word. since the rude incident, however, the aforementioned guy (who heretofore had really never spoken to me) has spoken polite words to me no less than three times. i have (being raised to be polite) spoken polite words back to him.
*sigh* it's a betrayal of my inner angst, but in a cultured society what can you do.
i really wish i could rein in my angry child because she stubbornly insists on having the last, and usually the loudest, word. since the rude incident, however, the aforementioned guy (who heretofore had really never spoken to me) has spoken polite words to me no less than three times. i have (being raised to be polite) spoken polite words back to him.
*sigh* it's a betrayal of my inner angst, but in a cultured society what can you do.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
rodney dangerfield-esque
what does a person have to do to get some respect? mark's dog drives his (mark's) car into a river, and the tow-truck driver wants mark to hold his (the tow truck driver's) false teeth while the tow-truck driver fishes out the wayward car.
what's next? someone wanting mark to take a picture of the tow-truck driver next to the wet car with the shameless dog sitting at the tow-truck driver's feet?
story here.
what's next? someone wanting mark to take a picture of the tow-truck driver next to the wet car with the shameless dog sitting at the tow-truck driver's feet?
story here.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
zip, zip, zip...
wow, has it been busy around here lately. i love my job but have awakened several nights thinking at warp speed about incidents, problems, happenings, etc. -- it's very annoying to not be able to get right back to sleep.
yesterday one of the employees was very rude -- i'm not sure he meant to be, he probably was stressed or had other things on his mind so it was nothing. that's a female talking. but as a scorpio i would say, that arrogant prick was rude and i'm waiting for the day when he needs my help 'cause the stupid fucker isn't going to get it. (i have these little battles with myself.)
time to get moving. it's a beautiful day outside and we're having a big meeting at work -- i expect to be busy all day. chow! or is it choi? chau? whatever, see ya later.
yesterday one of the employees was very rude -- i'm not sure he meant to be, he probably was stressed or had other things on his mind so it was nothing. that's a female talking. but as a scorpio i would say, that arrogant prick was rude and i'm waiting for the day when he needs my help 'cause the stupid fucker isn't going to get it. (i have these little battles with myself.)
time to get moving. it's a beautiful day outside and we're having a big meeting at work -- i expect to be busy all day. chow! or is it choi? chau? whatever, see ya later.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
big surprise
it's a girl !!!
our daughter-in-law called last night to say the ultrasound indicates they're having a baby girl in october. now that we know, of course, i'd like october to be tomorrow!
it's hard to wait!
our daughter-in-law called last night to say the ultrasound indicates they're having a baby girl in october. now that we know, of course, i'd like october to be tomorrow!
it's hard to wait!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
hollywood - 0, paris - 1
hey, cool. paris says she thinks this is all a message from god and she plans to turn herself around. i'm all for self-improvement, and totally wish her success in leaving her old self behind. we'll see if she can stay the course but for now i congratulate her words. way to be aware!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
whoa .. Whoa .. WHOA
Guy in wheel chair zooms along at 50 mph --
oh, please...
you have to read this -- paris is in tears, poor baby. hahahahahaha, my god, you'd think they were ordering her death. what world do those people live in? hahahahaha ......... and be sure to vote. then let me know which statement you voted for. you can surely guess mine.
suck it up
i whine when i have a hangnail or a paper cut. wonder what sound i'd make if i had to cut my leg off ...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
all the things it can do
i've just seen the future, but my imagination isn't good enough to figure out how it's really going to play out!
Monday, June 04, 2007
another note
a post-funeral note from my oldest younger brother ...
The funeral was very nice, and well attended. We had lots of flowers, and your's were by far the most beautiful, and the biggest. Those people at Oak Creek are good. I read Kristopher's poem and it choked me up. The minister was impressed by how evocative so few words could be. So was I.
The funeral was very nice, and well attended. We had lots of flowers, and your's were by far the most beautiful, and the biggest. Those people at Oak Creek are good. I read Kristopher's poem and it choked me up. The minister was impressed by how evocative so few words could be. So was I.
just a note
a post-funeral note from my youngest brother ...
Sorry I didn't update you on Friday, it went fine. The flowers you guys sent were beautiful and arrived on time, I will send you a picture of them but I got busy and forgot to get the pic from the camera to my laptop Friday evening. The funeral was attended by family, some people dad had known over the years, and people we work with. I believe the left-over coffee and lemonade was pitched, but we have frozen the remaining cookies for when you guys can make it to Lincoln. We look forward to seeing you when you can make it to town.
Sorry I didn't update you on Friday, it went fine. The flowers you guys sent were beautiful and arrived on time, I will send you a picture of them but I got busy and forgot to get the pic from the camera to my laptop Friday evening. The funeral was attended by family, some people dad had known over the years, and people we work with. I believe the left-over coffee and lemonade was pitched, but we have frozen the remaining cookies for when you guys can make it to Lincoln. We look forward to seeing you when you can make it to town.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
more nature ...
nature moves on...
My Older Son drove up yesterday and spent the night. he and i spent more time together than we have since he graduated from college. it was so nice. we talked about his work and my work and bumpah and memories.
this morning we went for a walk over on the spit. we parked the car, walked all the way down the east side, crossed the road, started north. all of a sudden we saw a very very young seal. it still had some of the umbilical cord attached. it was laying amongst some large boulders and we almost didn't notice it.

it seemed to be tired or worn out or something, and the mother was nowhere in sight.

it was just so cute!

we watched it quite awhile (it seemed to be trying to slowly and awkwardly move toward the water) but it sure wasn't moving very quickly so we finally left.

we returned later, wondering how it was doing.

it had made some progress on getting toward the water (the tide was going out -- yikes!).

we debated trying to help it, but decided nature wouldn't want us to. i wondered if making its way to the water was how nature taught it to use his flippers. still, it just seemed soooooo tired.

later, as we were driving away from the area, we stopped briefly to see if it was still there. it had turned around and was slowly scooting back toward the rocks! what the heck?? we left, but took a bunch of questions with us.
this morning we went for a walk over on the spit. we parked the car, walked all the way down the east side, crossed the road, started north. all of a sudden we saw a very very young seal. it still had some of the umbilical cord attached. it was laying amongst some large boulders and we almost didn't notice it.

it seemed to be tired or worn out or something, and the mother was nowhere in sight.

it was just so cute!

we watched it quite awhile (it seemed to be trying to slowly and awkwardly move toward the water) but it sure wasn't moving very quickly so we finally left.

we returned later, wondering how it was doing.

it had made some progress on getting toward the water (the tide was going out -- yikes!).

we debated trying to help it, but decided nature wouldn't want us to. i wondered if making its way to the water was how nature taught it to use his flippers. still, it just seemed soooooo tired.

later, as we were driving away from the area, we stopped briefly to see if it was still there. it had turned around and was slowly scooting back toward the rocks! what the heck?? we left, but took a bunch of questions with us.
Friday, June 01, 2007
My Younger Son's thoughts about his Grandfather ...
to Whom it may concern
barrel laugh and
brown leather.
breeze of pine,
splash of sun,
sip of A&W's Finest Root Beer.
hands. Whom it may concern:
I don't care what else I forget,
what else becomes misty and gray
and falls away forever.
Just --
let me remember
to Whom it may concern
barrel laugh and
brown leather.
breeze of pine,
splash of sun,
sip of A&W's Finest Root Beer.
hands. Whom it may concern:
I don't care what else I forget,
what else becomes misty and gray
and falls away forever.
Just --
let me remember
thoughts about my Dad
My Dad was a gentle man. He was patient, good-natured, soft-spoken, and rarely angry. I remember one time when we lived in Curtis -- I had noticed one young tree in our backyard which had somehow lost a little bit of its bark. The part which was showing was smooth and was such a pretty buttery color. So I proceeded to take off more bark, thinking how pretty it made the tree look. I finally took it off all around the trunk. When Dad saw what I had done, he wasn’t very happy about it, but rather than ranting, he explained that I had disrupted the way the tree got its nourishment. I had killed the tree. But his explaining what had happened left a stronger impression on me than if he had gotten angry or if he had punished me.
Dad always felt that everyone was equal, and always said I could be anything I wanted to be. His support, before 1960’s feminism really got it’s start, was fairly unique as I later discovered out in the work world. His sense of fairness was strong and the concept of discrimination was intolerable. He counseled us kids to vote and to be aware of the world around us. We were encouraged to be doers -- to take whatever steps were needed to right wrongs or to stand up for something. He wanted us to stand on our own two feet and be the best that we could be.
Dad had such a nice smile and I enjoyed it when he laughed; it made him even more handsome than he already was. And dance -- he could dance up a storm. Music must have been part of his soul because when Glenn Miller was playing, he couldn’t sit still. If we were out hiking, he’d break into song, teach us some little ditty, or get us singing a round. “To ope’ their trunks the trees are never seen. How then do they put on their coats of green? They leave them out.”
Dad’s compassion and concern for other people’s feelings had a strong influence on me. His teaching of being considerate has stayed with me through many trying situations. And it wasn’t just his words, he taught by doing. I’ll never forget when he came to visit me after I had my mastectomy. He gave me a great big hug, and I knew it was intended to bolster my self-image, to let me know I was still a valuable, loveable person even though I might not feel that way. It was a tremendously kind and loving thing to do.
Kind and loving, that was my Dad. Accepting, supportive, gentle, yet strong and lasting. His teachings, his memories, his goodness lives on. But I shall always miss him.
Dad always felt that everyone was equal, and always said I could be anything I wanted to be. His support, before 1960’s feminism really got it’s start, was fairly unique as I later discovered out in the work world. His sense of fairness was strong and the concept of discrimination was intolerable. He counseled us kids to vote and to be aware of the world around us. We were encouraged to be doers -- to take whatever steps were needed to right wrongs or to stand up for something. He wanted us to stand on our own two feet and be the best that we could be.
Dad had such a nice smile and I enjoyed it when he laughed; it made him even more handsome than he already was. And dance -- he could dance up a storm. Music must have been part of his soul because when Glenn Miller was playing, he couldn’t sit still. If we were out hiking, he’d break into song, teach us some little ditty, or get us singing a round. “To ope’ their trunks the trees are never seen. How then do they put on their coats of green? They leave them out.”
Dad’s compassion and concern for other people’s feelings had a strong influence on me. His teaching of being considerate has stayed with me through many trying situations. And it wasn’t just his words, he taught by doing. I’ll never forget when he came to visit me after I had my mastectomy. He gave me a great big hug, and I knew it was intended to bolster my self-image, to let me know I was still a valuable, loveable person even though I might not feel that way. It was a tremendously kind and loving thing to do.
Kind and loving, that was my Dad. Accepting, supportive, gentle, yet strong and lasting. His teachings, his memories, his goodness lives on. But I shall always miss him.
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