Monday, December 31, 2007

can't keep up...

is anybody else as tired as i am? it seems like things have happened non-stop since just before thanksgiving.

we had enough money this year to buy some decent presents. that's good.

we got to see My Older Son & Family. that's good.

we got to see My Younger Son. that's good.

we loved having the time once again with MYS -- seeing him once a year really sucks. but seeing him is totally fabulous! and now he's off to ireland (he went to italy last year, remember). i'm really curious as to his impressions of ireland -- he'll have a good write-up on his blog when he gets back.

and seeing MOS's young daughter is fun. although she seems to cry when i show up. *take offense? ignore?* she's about 11 weeks old or so and is different everytime we see her. doesn't cry as much as before, doesn't sleep as much as before, smiles now -- it would be neat to see her more often.

but back to the point -- we've been constantly busy and i'm bushed. i still have a small celebration at work i have to prepare for next week, but after that ... back to boring ole' reading and sitting in my rocking chair in my library. ;)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

he yelled

my boss yelled at me yesterday. well, one of them did -- i have at least five bosses. there are other people who'd like to think they're my boss, but i take them with a grain of salt.

anyhow, i was typing away when i heard a rather loud "KAREN!" so i said loudly back, "What?" as locked my computer and jumped up to go see what was the matter -- after all, i know which side the butter's on. "THIS THING'S SHUT OFF!" he continued shouting (i get a kick out of this guy). as i rushed into the copy room, ala the lone ranger, i hurried past said boss straight over to the new fax machine, wondering how in the world it had been shut off.

"No, this thing, the copier," he said as i turned back, astonished that the fax wasn't the problem. i walked over to the copier and pointed to the large label pasted on the machine and repeated what it said, "After 4 hours of inactivity, machine shuts down. Press button to restart." i grinned at him. "You mean no one's used this thing for four hours?" he said. "Well, you've been in a meeting all morning," i pointed out. "Oh yes, that meeting," he said as he momentarily laid his head on his arm. but that's another story.

i love my job. and the people.

my morning cup of ...

i really like tea. particularly bigelow's constant comment. at least i used to like constant comment. lately it seems a little ... tannic? unorangy? something, anyhow, and that's made me go look elsewhere.

voila! i found a website which has a really great selection of teas (i ended up ordering $40 worth of the stuff). seeing as how i've been busy wrapping christmas presents, i haven't had a lot of time to try out all those teas i ordered, except for P.G. Tips. it's a strange name and the bag is strange, too. sort of a triangular-shaped bag turned sideways. yeah, hard to describe, but it works really well for the water-accessing-the-tea-and-getting-it-wet process. and combined with the apple blossom honey i ordered from an excellent road-side fruit place just beyond leavenworth, my morning tea drinking has become a lovely experience once again.

on the first day ...

just in case i somehow left you off the e-mail, here is a link you will want to watch -- it's great christmas fun!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

true crime -- small town beat

December 3: A woman brought her young grandson into the police department to have a police officer speak with him regarding the stealing of public library books. The grandson was appropriately counseled. The young man was compelled by family to return the books and pay for his misdeed. Case closed.

December 1: A resident called police concerned about kids playing in the snow-slickened roadway. An officer spoke to the intrepid duo and suggested they play over in the snowy grass off the roadway, where only the inexperienced motorists were driving. The kids accepted the suggestion and moved to higher ground, where they had a better view of the approaching enemy.

November 22: Border Patrol agents alerted police of a vehicle, which bore two different license plates. Officers contacted the driver. His explanation, that he had absent-mindedly forgotten to take the California license plate off the front of his car when he placed a new Washington license on the back, seemed plausible given the reeking odor of burnt marijuana emanating from his car. The driver was given a break on the license plates, and arrested for possession of the marijuana which he had not inhaled before police descended. The 23-year-old Seattle man was processed at the scene.

November 22: Border Patrol agents came upon a man sitting in the roadway in the dark beside his vehicle very late at night. Police responded and found that appearances were deceiving - the gentleman only appeared to be non-reflective. Actually, he had parked himself in the road for just that purpose and was hoping to shed light upon some personal issues. He declined all offers of assistance, but decided that he wasn't going to be able to get any serious thinking done until the police left, so he appeased them by getting out of the street and back into his car.

November 22: A 17-year-old gent borrowed the family SUV for a late night drive to the public pier with a couple of young ladies. He did not realize that it takes a vehicle approximately twice as far to brake to a stop on ice-slackened wood as on pavement. In this case a park bench, a big thick light standard, and two 12-by-12 inch retaining posts occupied that extra distance on the pier. These fixtures were all worse for wear following the SUVs passing, as was the vehicle itself. Fortunately no one was injured, and everyone was able to vividly recount the incident to arriving police officers.

Monday, December 10, 2007

what about july 5th?

i've done a lot, well, most, of my christmas shopping online. and a really cool site to look at is

while i was there looking around, i saw a calendar which i just could not resist. it's the 2008 demotivators calendar. it's funny, and tongue-in-cheek (at least, i think it is), and has some really interesting tidbits (mostly computer or sci-fi) written on some of the days.

for example: "september 6 -- a computer error causes over 40,000 parisians with minor traffic violations to receive letters charging them with murder, extortion and other serious offenses (1989)" i don't know for sure they aren't making that up, but it's pretty funny regardless.

and then: "november 9 -- patent issued for 'apparatus for facilitating the birth of a child by centrifugal force', which lets a pregnant woman be strapped to a circular table and spun to induce birth (1965)". hahahahahaha.......are they serious? hahahaha -- that's just hilarious!

for moments of brilliant levity, buy it.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

don't be hasty

beware of e-mailed coupons. read this article -- -- and it will make you very nervous.

you have to be so careful of your web site surfing, so careful of your e-mail, so careful careful careful. gees, i hate those bad guys.

my husband fred, android 67402

i just read an article on sex with robots. i found myself chuckling embarrassedly through the whole thing, and wondering what that told about me especially since the husband is outstanding in that area.

then there's the 'vote' part of the article -- i chuckled at it, too.

i've always found sci-fi to be utterly fascinating and love reading futuristic books, but this idea caught me off-guard. sex with robots, marriage with robots, ethical treatment of robots. wow -- what a bunch of concepts.

at any rate, the guy in the article recently got his ph.d. (in the netherlands, no surprise there) on human-robot relationships, and says the first state to legalize human-robot marriages will be ..... which one do you think? he says massachusetts. i would have guessed california.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

star light, star bright

like to see shooting stars? the Geminids are supposed to be active right now, with peak activity on the night of december 13-14, and their displays are supposed to be especially good this year.

as it turns out, the husband saw a shooting star just yesterday. and since it was before i read the article, i couldn't offhandedly say, "oh yes, that's the geminids."

anyhow, i think i'll bundle up and go sit out in the dark this evening.

Monday, December 03, 2007

the sands of time

things change, people move on. i'd forgotten about a couple of blogs i used to read voraciously, but just now thought about them and decided to give them a quick look.

one -- -- is delightfully written by a young dad who, with his wife and two young daughters, lives in new orleans and has nothing but good to say about living there. i think he has a job with computers, but he also spends time drawing wonderful faces on his blog.

the other -- -- is written by a young mom (who's pregnant again) who lives with her husband and gorgeously cute little boy in seattle. she has a sharp wit which is unduplicatible -- she's says stuff i would never say because it seems to be negative, but it turns out to be just hilarious.

at any rate, if you're looking for something to do, cruise on over to either of those sites and peruse them to your heart's content. because it will be.