Thursday, April 30, 2009

lighten up!

a good friend sent me this link to a very very fun happening!

i remembered it was probably the improv everywhere group and went to their website to see what they've been up to lately. (after looking through their site, i think it must not have been them. or at least not that branch.)

check this out -- it's pretty neat!

and this is hilarious (reach out and touch someone...)

(the one with no pants is pretty funny, too!)

there are lots more on -- i just wish they'd come close to us. i want to play!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

H5N1? No ... H1N1

first the avian flu, now swine flu.

they are discouraging people from going to mexico because swine flu is killing people there, but it is spreading beyond that country. there are two cases just across the border in british columbia, 28 cases in new york city, 7 in california, and so on.

those of us who don't travel should be okay, except those who do travel bring it back with them. hopefully i and mine will be able to avoid the outbreak, but it may take some smart thinking.

for now, be sure to wash your hands a lot, and keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. partake in a little exercise, a little laughter, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet with lots of fiber. if you decide to stay inside and read a book, rather than go to the mall or another crowded location, so be it.

(map -- purple:confirmed, pink:suspect, no dot:death, yellow:negative)

Saturday, April 25, 2009


i am delighted to share that one of our computer gurus had a baby! well, his wife did, actually. little andrew raymond b. joined us last tuesday weighing 7 lbs 3 oz. i thought he wasn't going to show up until early may, but here he is!

congrats all the way around!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo ...

well, now -- this is interesting! i particularly liked the third set of photographs, about the moving rocks. cool!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

you heepum big chief, me heepum little guy

our new big boss is supposed to arrive next week. the interim boss has been making enemies left and right with wild abandon, so it will be interesting to see what the new guy is like. everyone is expecting to like him. in the meantime, lots and lots of drama continues. i've managed to stay out of the line of fire, especially since i'm on the bottom of the totem pole, but whoa .... lots of things going on up above. i never thought i'd be so glad to just be a little guy!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

i want to be there

i was on this busy downtown street and decided to go down a side street. it was a lot less populated. then i saw angelina jolie and brad pitt playing with their kids in front of a multi-story building while various neighborhood people did their own thing, not bothering the famous people. it was a nice typical small-town scene and i liked it. then somehow the dream changed and there were two babies and two mommas inside a house and i was helping with the babies (everything was serious and dark and one of the babies cried a lot), but then i went outside and was looking at flowers along the front sidewalk with my husband and couple of other people when five serious-looking men walked up. they said they wanted to see the house and i said just a minute and poked my nose in the front door (of a completely different house from the one i’d walked out of) asking our friend the owner if he knew about people wanting to see the house. he said, “see if the agents will stay out while the buyers come in” and i thought ‘huh???’, then he and his wife started madly gathering up toys and stuff, grabbing two of the three dogs and making their way toward the back of the house, gathering as they went. i turned to the people and said, “do you agents want to wait here while the others go on inside?” and the agents looked at me like ‘don’t be a total stupid idiot.’ so then, followed by everyone, i turned and went inside, grabbing the collar of the great dane and two of his huge play toys and made my way to the back of the house where everyone else was just heading out the back door. i went out the door and .... wow! it was a gorgeous winter day with about three feet of snow on everything and tons of people outside merrily enjoying the snow and sun. there was park land on both sides of the street and many people were skiing down the sloped street to the bottom, so i went into the street and started skate-skiing with only my boots. it worked perfectly!! i gently skied down the street, totally enjoying the freedom, totally relaxed, and totally marveling that i’d never done this before. people were talking on the sidewalks, and gathered on decks and porches -- there was a lovely gather-the-humanity-and-let’s-party feeling to the day. when i got to the bottom, i walked back up the sidewalk, noticing one fellow and his friends on a second-story deck just after they had hit a golf ball and were watching it soar, and i was wondering how they were going to be able to see it unless it was painted one of those phosphorescent colors. then i went out in the street to continue walking back up the hill along with everyone else. some young guy and his girlfriend said “where are your skis” and i said “i used my boots but i need to get a pair of those things (his poles).” they smiled and went on, but i turned around to ski again, suddenly realizing i had walked too far. it was a very steep slope at that point, so i walked back down to a more appropriate level and started to ski again when some wicked voice in my head said, “picture this: you’re skiing along and hit pavement or a rough spot and then go flying end-over-end. you’d get hurt.” at that point i woke up, but what a shame to have that lovely experience left on a stern note of joy-kill.


the husband sent me an article talking about corned beef (which we had the other night) and something got a little mixed up in the transfer. here is part of the article:

"Corned beef, also called corned beef brisket, is a popular meat item which hearkens back to the days before refrigeration. Faced with the challenge of preserving fresh meat for the winter season, butchers would routinely pack beefbeefbeef or pork products in salt to prevent the formation of bacteria and mold. Meats like beefbeefbeef brisket could also be pickled in a spicy, salty brine. At one time, the word corn referred to a number of kernels or seeds, including the coarse salt granules packed around the brisket. Thus the meat was called 'cornedcornedcorned' beefbeefbeef in reference to the corns of salt. Even after modern refrigeration and preservation methods rendered brining and pickling obsolete, cornedcornedcorned beefbeefbeef continued to grow in popularity among the Jewish and Irish immigrants moving into New York City during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Specialized stores and restaurants called delicatessens served hot cornedcornedcorned beefbeefbeef sandwiches to a wide variety of customers."

i guess maybe they shortened the term to make room on their billboards! ha!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

don't get sick ....

oh good grief -- they're at it again.

the latest computer problem is a malware called Mebroot. it messes with the boot record and you get it by going to a perfectly legitimate site which has been infected. once it's on your computer, it can access anything on your computer. oopsie. a really big no-no. make sure your security stuff is up-to-date.

and remember the conficker worm? here is a simple test you can do to see if you've been infected. go to and see if you can see 6 little pictures. if not, read the legend below the pictures. i'm good. thank goodness!

one for the little guy

i just had a nice surprise. one of my favorite e-mail-pals sent me this. i enjoyed watching it, especially since it happened 4 days ago, and because the gal is scottish!!

at any rate, she's had a fairly sheltered life, and to see her step right up and belt away was neat. i found this comment on one blog. and this on another. but i particularly like this one.

way to go, susan!!

oh, don't pay any attention to me

do you use a pin and make withdrawals at an atm machine? be afraid -- be very afraid.

hackers have finally found a way to successfully breach the up-til-now fairly secure world of atm security. this article gives the details, which i encourage you to read. but this paragraph really caught my eye:

"PIN hacks hit consumers particularly hard, because they allow thieves to withdraw cash directly from the consumer's checking, savings or brokerage account, Sartin says. Unlike fraudulent credit card charges, which generally carry zero liability for the consumer, fraudulent cash withdrawals that involve a customer's PIN can be more difficult to resolve since, in the absence of evidence of a breach, the burden is placed on the customer to prove that he or she didn't make the withdrawal."

for some reason, each time we tried to start using a pin, we were unsuccessful (for whatever reason) and finally quit trying. yeah, i know -- hard to believe, isn't it. we actually can get along without atm withdrawals!!

at any rate, i'm glad we were never successful. that's one less scam we have to worry about. and considering the quote above, that could be a pretty big worry! be careful, everyone!

Monday, April 13, 2009

where have i been?

did you know about hulu? i didn't. of course, i don't watch tv, but still -- i've never even heard of it.

hulu is an internet site where you can watch the latest installment of selected tv shows. yes, there are commercials, but they're limited to 30 seconds. wow! what a concept! anyhow, hulu's pretty cool for people who've missed their shows or don't even have a tv.

like i said, i don't watch tv so i don't really care, but, it's all about resources. build your resources!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

cheep, che-- wha??

oh, you have to check this out -- recognize escher? okay, now start over with number 1 and enjoy!

wash that man right outta my hair, er ...

did you read where they're looking for a way to erase memories? they've been successful with mice and are going to try to figure out a way to make it successful with people. hmmm, yeah, maybe there'd be some benefit to victims, but yuck! it just sounds so ready-to-be-abused.

and really, what would they call it? brain rinsing?

m-m-m-m-mmm good!

oooooohhh, i just made the best soup!! a pound of maple-flavored bacon, cut in 1-inch pieces; 2 cups of rice; a cup of green split peas and a cup of yellow split peas; a cup of lentils; a carrot, some cracked wheat bulgur, and some fresh mushrooms; a head of broccoli, cut-up stem and all; a can of navy beans and a can of black beans; about a cup of oatmeal; liquid smoke, worchestershire sauce, salt, pepper, cinnamon, tarragon, and oregano. but i totally forgot about the onions and garlic -- dangit!!! oh, but it is just yuuuummy!

you never know....

my oldest younger brother is a cyclist. i absolutely love my brother and would never say anything to hurt him, never try to start a fight or be hateful, etc., but i am one of the people who think bicycles don't belong in the street. i think they should have to be on sidewalks and have to yield to people. if the only place available is a country road, i think they should have to ride on the shoulder facing the oncoming traffic, not on the same side of the flow.

for one thing, there's no way a bicycle can win against a vehicle -- not the same size, not the same weight, not the same anything. in addition, bicyclists don't pay taxes on their bikes, don't take driving tests, and majorly do not follow the rules. to say nothing of riding two abreast, or wandering into the middle of a lane when there's a bunch of traffic. lots of room for road rage with bicycles.

this morning i saw this article: "City cyclists know a few things about car drivers. They know, for instance, that a car will turn right the moment you decide to cut up the inside in stopped traffic. They know that a car will desperately try to overtake you and then pull over 50 yards later, cutting you off. And above all, they know that you never, ever ride too close to a row of parked cars. The moment you forget, a door will open in your path. Boffins at BMW and Technical University of Munich want to fix this last one. They are developing a haptic feedback system for doors, which works like this: An accelerometer in the door detects when a passenger tries to open it. Sensors on the car detects the proximity of things outside — lampposts, cyclist, other cars. If there is something out there, the car door becomes stiffer to open (there is an extra metal bar inside the door with a linear motor to stop it moving). Right now the project is using ultrasound sensors to detect oncoming cyclists and the like. V2.0 will use cameras instead, giving better coverage and adding the ability to detect cyclists from further away. Now all we need is a speed controller so cars can’t break the limits and cities will be almost perfect. In fact, should cars be banned from cities altogether?"

i thought the last sentence was funny until i wondered if they were serious. it wouldn't surprise me. the way things are going in this country, things are getting all crazy twisted from the way they used to be. (but that's another blog, another time i guess.)

blue jeans and flannel shirts

our big boss, the one who retired in january, was always adament about no one wearing blue jeans on casual friday. i never could quite understand that since we could wear black jeans, or brown ones, or whatever other color. but she was unwavering on that stipulation.

since she left, her replacement hasn't arrived. it's been two and a half months now and casual friday has been a romp. we all wear blue jeans and it's just so nice.

just kidding, peg. i'm only kidding. we don't wear blue jeans.

Friday, April 10, 2009

grrrrrr ..... bad guys succeeding

i don't know all that much about viruses and worms and all that bad stuff that's out there trying to take over your computer. but ... i just read an article which was pretty scary. even though i didn't really understand what-all it was talking about, i am smart enough to know i need to make sure i'm protected as much as i can be.

we use norton and have for a number of years. regardless who your guard dog is, make sure he's got all his shots and has been trained in the latest guard techniques!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

back when i was a boy, we had to ....

i have a friend who lives in grand forks, north dakota. recently there was some really bad flooding in that state. some of the damage is shown here -- .

i found this video of a blizzard which was either right before or right after the flooding. give this a look -- .

the husband and i wax nostalgic at times because we used to live in nebraska and he lived in the black hills of south dakota when he was in high school. we had some really great vacations up there with the boys when they were little. we wonder if we'd like to live back there again.

and then we see a video like those. uhh ... no. probably not.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

the perils of life

it's interesting all the things that can happen that you never even think about unless you're in that situation.

an ocean cruise --

a gas station --

and then there's the more dangerous oopsies....

pulling a 5th wheel --
(actually looks like it probably killed the driver)

piloting a boat --

crossing a train track --

and sometimes mom has to come to the rescue....

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

manna from heaven

i absolutely LOVE this one brand of products -- Perlier. it's from italy. they've got the best honey hand cream which i used for the longest time (until i couldn't find it anymore) and then i discovered this other lovely cream.

i decided to see if it was available anywhere except tj maxx. it was! only when i got it at tj maxx, it was $7.99. this online place had it for $30!!! exact same stuff. well, shit. i went to the company's website and the price was $30 there, too. amazon offered it from lotus bathing luxuries for $22 marked down from $25. i glanced at the other websites i had googled but they were either in french or spanish or dutch. yikes!

the drastic price difference is a little worrisome -- is it a knock-off? did they mess with the ingredients? whatever the answer is, i love the stuff. come on, tj maxx!!!

clear the way ....

billy goat gruff got sick last week. he told me wednesday that he didn't feel very good -- his tummy was bothering him. and he was out thursday and friday. yesterday he told me he'd had food poisoning. from eating grapes. grapes from chile. i said 'didn't you wash them?' and he said, 'oh yeah, very thoroughly.' and then went on to explain there's some kind of fungus or bacteria or something that can be on the grapes and can get IN the grapes and no amount of washing can get rid of it and if you eat it -- bam!! you are sick sick sick. he said the doctor told him that throwing up nothing was hard on your body (and you always get to that point with food poisoning) so you should try drinking gatorade and keep drinking it until the problem goes away.

food poisoning is always an unpleasant experience and one which, ideally, should only be suffered through once. i wonder how many people are lucky enough to have that statistic?

Monday, April 06, 2009

physical shopping

favorable dentist appointment -- check.
ran into a person i like -- check.
clinique bonus gift -- check.
favorite body lotion -- check.
more kleenex -- check.
yummy chinese supper -- check.

the late afternoon-and-evening has been successful. i go to bed now.

spot the train

yesterday we went down to see the seattle family. i started to say we drove down but, actually, we took the train!! yay, the train!! i love taking the train -- it's just a nice, smooth trip. and the bathrooms are certainly bigger than in airplanes! it was so great to see the grandaughter again and the son and dau-in-law too, of course. i always end up wishing we lived a lot closer!

funny thing about seattle though -- my allergies were sooooooooo much worse there than they are up here!! about an hour after we got there, my nose started to close up, then alternately ran and kept me from breathing (interesting how it does that) while my eyes set about trying to itch me crazy. it definitely reminded me of the reasons i was glad to move away from the midwest. and no, i can't use those prescription nose sprays which work so well.

regardless, it was great to see the kids again! yay, weekends!!!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

little miracle

last week, or was it two weeks ago now, one of the men who works in the custodial department was walking from our building to another and bam! he went down like a rock. he must have had a massive heart attack, but there were a couple of officers who saw it and immediately started working on him. several emergency vehicles drove up and by the time they had taken him away probably 45 to 60 minutes had elapsed. and they were doing chest compressions the whole time. we didn't know how he was doing until later in the day when someone in management related that the doctor said if he hadn't gotten help right when he did, he wouldn't have made it.

yesterday i got a joyous surprise at work when the gentleman and several of his co-workers stopped by my desk. he looked really good! i was sooooo surprised to see him but happy to see he was up and out and about. he had come by to thank everyone for all their help. not that i had done anything, but he was definitely appreciative to be standing there. it was just a good feeling all the way around!

dry hands

washington state has started a new thing by outlawing dishwashing soap, which contain phosphates, from being sold here. it is supposed to happen over a period of months, starting on the eastern side of the state, but the husband noticed it awhile ago and when he asked the store people about it, they said they had no idea why the regular soap wasn't on the shelves. at any rate, the move to ban the popular type of soap is spreading to the northeastern side of the country and legislation may eventually happen which would make it national. the other soaps don't really do that good a job on dishes. we may have to go back to washing them ourselves. ugh.

things to think about

some of us really liked the terminator series. the first one was so great -- a love story and neat special effects. in the second one, the kid playing her son just didn't seem like the right actor for the part. i must have seen the third one, but i can't really remember it. they've got this tv series (2008) i didn't even know about since i don't watch tv, and now there's a new movie terminator salvation. the clip makes it look really noir -- i wonder if it will be any good.

Friday, April 03, 2009

little patter

when the husband walked in this morning to say good-bye, he was softly saying "tlrrrrr chitchit, tlrrrrr chitchit, tlrrrrr chitchit." "i'm off," he started. "what are you?" i interrupted. "a sprinkler," he replied.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

valid paranoia

from the "oh, good grief" department -- this article from last summer and then this one.

the macho, type-a people need to be moved to another planet.

simple beauty

don't you just love beautiful calendars? lang puts together some really nice calendars and i buy some every few years.

the one i have here at home is called the 2009 road home calendar. it has wonderful landscapes with homes. they are so beautiful they almost make me cry. the husband and i want to move into two of the houses.

the 2010 road home calendar has a couple of the same pictures, but overall more snow pictures than this year. go to that website then click on 'more images' to see the twelve months. i actually like 2009 better than 2010, but still -- they're very evocative. simpler times, younger times, happier times.

another style of calendar they have has recipes on each month. i get a kick out of those. check out the garden recipes -- they give the instructions in pictures!! is that cool, or what! ohmygod, they have holiday peppermint pound cake for december!!! okay, now i have to buy it! i just hope i don't forget!

excuse me, but where is your head?

honestly, what is it with people??

we have this one room which is the computer lab for people to use when they have to take an online class and don't have access to a computer. this morning i noticed there was one person in there. this afternoon when i was getting ready to turn off lights and lock doors, i noticed the lab room light was still on. i went back there and looked in. no one was there. wouldn't you think the last guy out (the only guy!) would turn off the light? didn't these people's parents teach them about taking care of things???

it's hard for me to be patient with that kind of stuff!