Sunday, February 25, 2007

food materials

oooooohhh, i loooove twinkies.

oh! here's an article about them!

oooooohhh, i loooo-- ... what?? uh ... hmmm, maybe i should re-think this....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

life in the small town

Community Theater Auditions: Sunday, Feb. 25, 2 p.m. and Monday, Feb 26, 6:30 p.m. for their next production, "Don't Count Your Chickens Until They Cry Wolf," a fun and modern musical for all ages featuring fables by Aesop. Ages 6 to infinity are invited to audition.

Community Night: Friday, Feb. 23, Haynie Grange, 6:30 potluck, 7:30 program with a speaker on healthcare issues.

true crime -- small town beat

February 17: An officer was contacted at the police station by a man who wanted a power stat card for a neighbor who was in the dark. While helping solve the utility issue, the diligent officer was able to determine that the resident who needed power wasn't asking for assistance in person because he had outstanding tickets. With continued diligence, the officer soon discovered that the person who did come to the police station had a felony warrant outstanding for his arrest. Realizing that a jailbird in hand was worth two in the dark, the officer arrested and booked the 50-year old into a cell where he could contemplate his situation under proper lighting.

February 16: An officer contacted a highly intoxicated gentleman in a business parking lot. They found that he was waiting for friends to return so he could get back into their car. The friends arrived and poured their poor friend into the back seat.

February 16: Officers arrived at a residence following a reported 911 hang up call at the home. They found an attentive parent teaching their youngster how to use 911. Both mom and the little one received an education about just how well the 911 system works.

February 15: Shortly after his wife left the house, a resident came outside to visit his mailbox. He saw that his spouse had been stopped by police nearby for a traffic violation, so he peddled his bike over to see what was happening. He discovered that his spouse was driving on a suspended drivers license, at just about the same time that the police were discovering that the wife was also in possession of methamphetamine. The husband was not able to provide much assistance, because he was wanted on a warrant of his own for a criminal traffic violation. The couple ended their evening after Valentine's Day together, being booked in the county jail.

inter-country cooperation

an article on the latest front page of our newspaper spotlighted the efforts to find an effective compromise to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative which will soon require passports at all border crossings.

a number of communities along the border with canada are concerned about adverse economic impact. some people are concerned it's too much trouble and costs too much to get a passport.

and then there's point roberts, washington which is a bit unique -- it's bordered on three sides by water and the remaining side by canada. none of its soil touches the mainland, so the people in that area either need a boat since there is no ferry run, or need to go through the border crossing.

the comment that really caught my eye, however, was the following: "Ernie Bartucci, executive director of operations for the Ontario Minister of Transportation, called for a more flexible interpretation of WHTI and cited an example of a community on the Alaskan/Yukon border that has one school district between two countries." personally, i think that's very cool.

regardless, i like the idea of people being required to have passports and having to go through all the steps to get one. and to get a little away from the subject but still to this point, i was irritated by the florida woman who expected to be allowed to have a driver's license photo with her face covered (dictated by her faith). frankly, i'm against accomodating challenges which fly in the face of intent -- another example is those dark-tinted windows on so many cars, which not only can keep policemen from seeing potential danger, it keeps bicyclists and pedestrians from making eye contact to gauge safety.

oh well, change isn't always easy.

jules verne

did you see that they are putting a program in place where, if you have been identified as one who needs further scrutiny at the airport checkpoint, you can be x-rayed?

the resulting image shows your figure without clothes. hmmm.... i'm not sure how i feel about that. the program has been started at sky harbor in phoenix, and will spread to l.a. and j.f.k by the end of the year.

at sky harbor, the process is voluntary. if you don't want to be x-rayed you can undergo the tradition 'pat-down'. the article doesn't say if the process will continue to be voluntary.

the whole thing sounds weird. and, come to think of it, i do know how i feel about that.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

true crime -- small town beat

February 14: A resident complained about his neighbor's barking dog. An officer discovered a large raccoon was sitting on the fence in front of the dog. The homeowner was advised of the standoff and took her pet inside the house.

February 13: Officers responded to a possible disturbance. Officers arrived and spoke to one half of a verbal dispute. Officers checked the area for the other half but he was not located.

February 12: Officers received information that a vehicle known to have expired registration was being driven. An officer stopped the vehicle and learned that the driver's privilege to drive was suspended and he was the subject of a number of warrants for his arrest. The 20-year-old was transported to the county jail where he was booked.

February 11: Customs contacted police regarding a 20-year-old who was returning to the U.S. from Canada with alcohol in the trunk of his vehicle. In lieu of a citation, the Lake Stevens resident elected to pour out the liquor. The driver was sober when he arrived and even more sober when he left.

February 11: Police responded regarding an intoxicated woman who had walked unannounced into a neighbor's house, refused to leave and ultimately passed out on the kitchen floor. Officers determined the woman was not experiencing a medical emergency and escorted her home.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

winter soup

we made more yummy soup again yesterday: rutabaga, beet, celery, onion, garlic, carrots, cabbage, swiss chard, barley, oatmeal, green and yellow split peas, diced apple, fresh parsley, black pepper, a bit of oregano, and about 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon. oh, and a number of cubes of proscuitto -- at least it looked like proscuitto, but i think it was labeled as saporroto or something like that. smelled to high heaven, but added exactly the right oomph!!! mmmmmmmmm...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

movie watching

for awhile we were absolutely riveted by the poirot dvds done by the bbc. we not only watched all the series plus the longer movies (all starring david suchet) but we watched them twice!

now we have a couple of new dvd interests: Foley's War and Midsomer Murders.

Foley's war stars Michael Kitchen, Honeysuckle Weeks, and a couple other regulars. The cast is totally excellent and the stories are intriguing.

Midsomer Murders is interesting, but for whatever reason i don't care for John Nettles. His sidekick is cute (Daniel Casey) and the stories are okay, but it generally isn't quite as good as poirot or foley's.

still, the costumes, cars, locales, etc. are excellent in all three series and definitely worth watching. have fun!

Saturday, February 17, 2007


well, that's just damn great. i had the pictures all up and everything, and then they disappeared after i put in that last little blurb.

i'll wait awhile and see if they come back up on their own. otherwise i'll have to figure something out.


okay -- there. all fixed again. now you can see our new baby ...

here it is, review

like i said previously, there are so many things i like about this new car. i like it that the shifter is up on the dash. i looooooove all the little cubby-holes where you can stash stuff -- it's the most generous car i've ever seen in that regard. i like the comfortable seats, and the easy outside viewing around the left/right/backsides. i really like the temperature controls. i like the fold-down tray. i like the recessed area for groceries, and from costco i picked up a 2-pack of collapsible totes which can hold three paper grocery sacks side-by for just $13 i think it was. much cheaper than the cargo tray or net from the dealership (even though i love the dealer). and i like the econo-mode of driving which shuts down 3 of the 6 cylinders whenever there isn't a load on the engine. is that cool or what?! you can't even tell when it happens -- you only know because a little light comes on. and i really like the ambient lighting which comes on at night. the interior front area is very gently lighted so you aren't left in the dark with only the dashboard lights to mess with your eyes. so many nice touches!

i'm afraid to drive it 'cause i don't want a door ding or rock chip or even rain on it. but i'll get over that. really nice car and the salesman has just been outstanding. Don Corpolongo, Honda dealership, Burlington. go see him.

here it is, part 3

back end showing third row of seats and deep cargo area which is where seats go when you want more room -- the recessed area is great for groceries...

view of front without center tray...

view of front with center tray; notice shifter is on dashboard...


here it is, part 2

front seats, with flip-downable center tray...

front seats, with tray down and space walk-throughable...

middle row of seats with cup holder flipped down...

middle row of seats with cup holder up and hidden...

here it is, part 1

good grief

on this background check thing -- remember when i mentioned they kept insisting on more names and how important that was and they finally decided to talk with my boss from when we lived in oklahoma and the guy wondered if he could call her, then decided maybe he would send her a letter, then said they were going to send someone out to talk with her in person ..... they never did. they did not call her. or go see her.

what is this, some kind of torture to see if i'll crack under pressure? well, they are going to be disappointed! get mad? yes. crack? unh-uh. i'll go down fighting!

Friday, February 16, 2007

take a break

"To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and, whatever you hit, call it the target." -Ashleigh Brilliant

"I am firm. You are obstinate. He is a pig-headed fool." -Katharine Whitehorn

"When I was born I was so surprised that I didn't talk for a year and a half." -Gracie Allen

"A sobering thought: What if, right at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential?" -Jane Wagner

"It is a sobering thought that when Mozart was my age he had already been dead for two years." -Tom Lehrer

"You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!'" -Dave Barry

"The second day of the diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off it." -
Jackie Gleason

"I went to a fight the other day and a hockey game broke out." -Rodney Dangerfield


my daughter-in-law (My Older Son's Wife) just called to say her home-pregnancy test is positive! HOW EXCITING!!!!!

i'm tickled for them and it will be fun to watch the process and progress as it unfolds -- yay, new baby!

up in the air

first the story about the parachute malfunction and the guy falling from 14,000 feet yet still among the living, then this story about a paraglider who got sucked up by a storm to 32,612 feet, falling unconscious for an hour, waking up encased by ice, and making her way back down alive.

in contrast, an airplane has pressurization and supplemental oxygen from 12,000 up. hmmmm, i like having my feet on the ground!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

feeling lucky?

in case i missed anyone with my e-mail:

parachuting was always scary to me, but now .....

for the story

for the video

Sunday, February 11, 2007

pork and beets

decided to fix more soup today. cooked some pork, added beets, rutabagas, onions, garlic, carrots, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, barley, hominy, black beans, and a couple handfulls of oatmeal. oh yeah -- it was yummy!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

i'm in love

yes. i'm in love. i picked up our new car today (while hubby was at work) and drove it back from burlington without any trouble and with much pleasure. it was like sitting on my couch, holding a steering wheel, and cruising down the interstate (except without the bugs in the teeth) -- excellent visibility!

it has lots of nice features (some that i like better than the explorer) and doesn't have a few the explorer had but that i don't think i'll miss.

i hope we have sunshine tomorrow -- i'll be able to get a picture or two for you.

and speaking of hubby, have you read his blog lately? in and out, that's all i'll say.

Friday, February 09, 2007

ummm, sorta

things are coming together. i pick up the new car tomorrow; hubby is fully immersed (ha) in his new job; the defective mattress was picked up today and replaced as a queen instead of king.

i hope i like the new car. it seems like it will be really nice and i'll get pictures up as soon as i can.

hubby thinks he'll like his job, but it has made him really tired. i'm wondering if he needs to have his meds checked. i called and moved up his yearly appt to march 1 and he'll get his blood drawn 2 days before so the doctor will be able to update whatever needs updating.

the king mattress was really too big. and getting the sheets/pillows/blankets for it -- whoa, $$$$$. so thankfully the gal macy's sent out was able to verify there was a defect in our new (about 6 months old) stearns and foster mattress so we could get it replaced. they didn't squawk too much about us wanting the smaller size. i totally loved the mattress except for the defect, so the replacement is exactly the same one.

but the job -- i had an interview with the deep background guy and let me tell you ..... what an experience. they kept wanting more references and more references yet i couldn't use relatives. hmmm, well, i'm an introvert and have moved quite a bit. that means i have few friends i bother staying in contact with, but the ones i do are precious to me. which seems to mean: i'm fycked.

and when they called this morning to say my information had been sent back because they showed my social security number as something different than what i had written down, i about hit the roof. enough already. i'm honest. i have not worked for pay since 2003. i have no intention of overthrowing our government and would viciously fight anyone who would. and the social security number i wrote down is correct.

put up and let's get going, or shut up and leave me alone.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

the interview

the interview went well. he was a very nice guy who was helpful and pleasant, not pushy or scary.

the biggest problem is one which may keep me from getting the job: since we are not social butterflies, and i have greatly enjoyed the solitary pursuit of reading my books and playing on the computer, i have not sought out new friends. therefore, there's no one around here who can verify i have not had a job in the last 3 years. everyone who knows that has already been listed on my questionnaire and can't be used again, or is a relative and can't be used.

that means i'm really up a creek. since we've only lived here 1-1/2 years, i don't have an extensive social track record. it is going to really suck if i don't get the job because of not knowing enough people. i mean, i'm an introvert for pete's sake.

Monday, February 05, 2007

reeeeaady to go

well, now i'm all excited. i finally got a call from the federal investigator who will be interviewing me for my background check. i'll meet with him on wednesday. i hope it goes well -- i'm real ready to start this job. wish me luck!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

my opinion

what is going on in this society??? i don't watch much tv (as in none) and didn't watch any of the super bowl. however i did check out the super bowl ads since there were a couple from last year i enjoyed.

god, the dregs. there was sooooo much violence and what's up with that?! many of the others were variously stupid, juvenile, demeaning, brainless, or sexist.

there were a few which were cute or clever (coke's happiness factory, taco bell, and bud's great apes) -- all from the third quarter. nationwide insurance was kinda fun just to see kevin make fun of himself. and the hp computer commercial wasn't bad.

but the other 43 ads? disgusting moronic evidence that an evil force has infiltrated advertising and is trying to undermine this country by brainwashing us with unsophisticated, vulgar, insulting proclamations of stuff we should want.

just yuck.

update: here is a site where you can actually vote for the ad of your choice (and there were several which weren't included in the cbs display). however, if you have any intelligence at all your choice won't be in the top 10. or even top 20.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

count your blessings

two high school kids raced their cars down the guide-meridian in bellingham at 8am today reaching speeds around 80-100 mph on the busy 45 mph street. a truck coming from the other direction didn't see their high rate of speed and started a turn into the costco shopping mall area before being smashed by one of the cars. the impact flipped the pickup into the air before it crashed down on its roof. the truck passenger was killed; the driver was hospitalized. the car which hit the truck caught on fire, severely burning the teen who was pulled from his burning vehicle by onlookers. he is in critical condition in seattle. the other teen fled the scene but later in the day turned himself in to police. (story and pictures.)

sooooo sad for everyone. all it takes is an instant of wrongness and everything goes to hell.

another new car!

well, aren't we the ones?!

we've been thinking about trading in our eddie bauer edition 2003 ford explorer for some time now. when we were looking for a second car last week (and it was just a week ago that we found one and drove away with it several hours later), we happened to visit the Sims Honda dealership in burlington. while we were there we spoke with an excellent salesman by the name of Don Corpolongo. we've always been leery of car dealerships because of the prototypical salesman image *sleezy, pushy, shady, less than forthcoming*, but! Don was an outstanding guy to deal with! he said his philosopy is that he's there 'not to sell us a car, but to help us buy a car' -- i love that thought!

so with that in mind, and the fact that honda has 0.9% financing for the next five days, we drove back down today and spoke with Don about an Odyssey. four hours later we became the proud new owners of a blue, 2007 Honda EXL Odyssey -- which will look like this one (it's ocean mist metallic which they're calling grey but which is blue). i say 'will look like' because we won't get it until next week and i will get you a personal picture at that time.

but we took care of all the paperwork today. after we finished things with Don, we signed papers with their finance manager Mark Ruderman. once again, this guy was great! everything he shared with us was fully explained and the various warranties were presented without pressure. can you believe that?

at any rate, we were so totally happy with our experience there that i encourage you to do your shopping with Sims Honda and personally with Don Corpolongo. sure, you can mention our name and we get $50 but that is sooooo beside the point. i just would like to get the word out about these guys -- everyone should be so lucky with their car buying experience! in fact, Mark's business card says "Sims Honda, The Country's Greatest Car Store" and we think it's true! Don's number is 360.757.7467 or 800.745.7467 -- one more bonus: it has the lowest sales tax rate on the I-5 corridor.

p.s. and it helped reduce the stress level to be a costco purchase!