Wednesday, July 30, 2008


hey, do you guys already know about yelp? i just discovered it today and signed up. mainly so i can write reviews on restaurants. i also wrote one on my dentist, who i really like.

finally you can complain/compliment someone or a place. hopefully the comments are true and not just blather.

so .... did you already know about it?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the old and the new

my co-worker, Mr. Billy GG, decided to start his own blog. if you're interested in reading the rants and ramblings of an old, opinionated, irish dude, go here. personally, i think he's going to get tired of it real fast, but we'll see. he has some good thoughts as well as some which are way out there. and it won't be hard to figure out that he's a republican.

we're off to see the wizard...

today was m's last day at work. she's moving to north dakota which is closer to her roots as well as her family.

my boss, patty cake, had several weeks ago asked me to come up with some decorating ideas, and since we were combining the going-away party with a potato salad throw down which someone decided should be a competition, she asked me to come up with a voting booth.

a voting booth?? for days i tried to figure out what kind of voting booth, how big, made of what, etc. and finally i came up with the perfect solution. i got some gauzy old curtains and hot-glue gunned them to an old wide-brimmed hat .... voila! instant voting booth!

i was so pleased with my solution since it was light-weight as well as extremely portable. when i showed it to patty cake yesterday, she was stunned. but not because she was awed by my great idea -- she was stunned because she had meant for me to come up with a voting box. something to put the votes in.

well, shit.

anyhow, i wish m the best in her new position, new town, and new friends. new adventures are always exciting.

Friday, July 25, 2008

yummy, yummy, yummy, i got love in my tummy

i ordered some very cool things and they finally arrived today. one of them is a pan which gives you a lot more sides when you make brownies...
i can't wait to try it! i mean, if you're going to run up the tab on calories, you might as well make them totally delicious!
and then i saw a thing i just couldn't resist:
these little cupcake holders are darling! they're silicone so you just pour the mixture in them, put them on the cookie sheet and bake -- then you have to be creative enough to add the icing faces. i'm not that much for cake, but i can't wait to try these!
we got a couple more things (little dishes you can chop things into, then moosh the sides together so it won't spill when you pour the stuff out; little butter-holder thingys so you can butter your corn-on-the-cob without the butter falling off your knife) but trying to get the pictures on here is just too much trouble.
if you're interested, go to the Solutions catalog/web site. it's way fun!


god, i'm beat. this has seemed like a long week, i still am trying to lose the cough i acquired when i started taking some new blood pressure medicine (which gave me this cough problem), my hand has been a little puffy all week, and i've got this tooth which i think has died. it aches a little bit all the time and has started extending the pain toward my ear and up my head. but it comes and goes (the pain, not my head), so maybe i can make it until tuesday when the dentist will be able to look at it. i think it's going to have to come out. actually, right now i WANT it out! it's just really uncomfortable.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

grease is the word

Mr. Billy GG at work is letting his hair grow. it's a tad bit bald on top surrounded by grey and pretty white hairs. it's below his collar these days, with lots of bounce and turning under of the ends, and i keep telling him he needs to put it in a pony tail. i think he's reluctant to torque off the big boss by doing that, so he just wears it shaggy. i think it would look great in a pony tail. maybe it just needs to get a little bit longer before he gets up the nerve.

the other day i convinced him to let me put it in a pony tail while we were talking in the mailroom. i gathered it back and tried to put the rubber band on without pulling his hair, and one of the chiefs chose that moment to walk through. she saw what we were doing and gave me a look like, 'oh it's just the girls braiding each other's hair again', shook her head and walked on. hahahahaha....

it just needs to get a little bit longer.

a wonder to behold

we had company last weekend -- the grandaughter and her parents came up. she is just so adorable! she's got a great smile and is just delightful. and i think she's pretty strong-willed, too. if we hold her hands so she can walk around, if she wants to go a different direction she just turns her head and shoulders and expects you to go with her. kind of a reverse powering steering option. hard to explain, but really funny to experience!

i can't wait to see what she's like when she's grown! a space pilot? a professor of alien artifacts? director of a galactic battalion? she's a pretty smart cookie for 9 months -- we shall see!

Friday, July 18, 2008

the river is smooth

the crisis has been resolved. m will be going to her new job.

her roommate finally commited to moving with her, therefore they were able to afford a house which was out of m's bracket (by herself). the lease was faxed and signed, so no one should be able to come in and get it before she gets there.

this is a relief for everyone. m, because she can move forward with her life; slim jim, because he can move forward with learning his new job (m's old stuff); billy goat gruff, because he won't have to stress anymore about new changes reverting back to old ways; me, because everything is falling into place for everyone.

life is good!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

one ringy dingy ...

do you pay any attention to the issue of cell phone radiation? apparently the federal communications commission has stats about which cell phones leak the most and the least radio frequency energy, and they are continuing research into whether this is a cancer-causing problem.

the five most problematic phones so far (according to their 'sar' -- specific absorption rate): motorola v195s, motorola slvr l6, motorola slvr l2, motorola w385, blackberry curve 8330. if you have one of those phones, throw it out the window.

the five least problematic phones: lg kg800, motorola razr v3x, nokia 9300, nokia n90, samsung sgh-g800. if you have one of those phones, you are a clever person.

trying to go with the flow...

one of the gals from my small group at work is in a real bind right now. she bid on a job in grand forks, north dakota and got it. it's a good step up for her -- gets her back to the part of the country where her family is and boosts her up a couple of pay grades.

the problem? as it turns out grand forks has a dearth of rental units. there's an air force base just outside of town. there is a university in town. and a flood wiped out a bunch of housing just a couple of years ago. once the college kids descend in mid-summer, there's no pot left to ... well, you know.

she flew out there last week, planning on looking at some units she had arranged to see. by the time she got there, they were gone. tacky on their part. she has two dogs and isn't willing to part with them so her options become even more limited.

when she was talking with me about it today, she started crying. i felt so bad. this is a gal who has faith and believes 'what will be will be' but her stress level had taken her to the breaking point. i just hope things work out for her -- i think she would be happy being back in the midwest.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


ah ... *ahem* ... excuse me, but what's the deal with the latest piercing thing? i've seen ears with this conical thing in the piercing and wondered, wha? then i heard someone say that people have started piercing like they do in africa, where they keep enlarging the hole until it's humongous.

i mean, eeuuuwwww. when they take the decoration out, the hole just hangs there in all its largeness.

uh ..... why?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

oui, oui!

our front door is on the east side of the house and we have french doors on the south side. there's also a large patio outside the french doors and we finally decided to have convertible french doors installed outside the regular french doors. the convertible ones have full-screens which can be replaced with full-glass when it starts to get colder.

we are happy with the result. it looks nice and allows a nice air exchange.

we've toyed with putting in air conditioning, but two (both) of the people we've had give us an estimate have pushed hard for a heat pump. we rented a duplex in the 70's which had a heat pump and hated it! i've never heard anyone say they loved their heat pump, although they surely have changed for the better in the last 30 years. if our weather keeps being fairly nice, i'm really going to drag my feet about the a/c conundrum. maybe we'll get lucky and have to wait another year before we are again presented with hot, humid wx.

up with frenchy screeny doors. down (or at least level) with heat pumps. so sayeth the not-quite-informed.

from someone at work

things that are difficult to say when drunk:
innovative; preliminary; proliferation; cinnamon

things that are very difficult to say when drunk:
specificity; anti-constitutionalistically; passive-aggressive disorder; transubstantiate

things that are downright impossible to say when drunk:
thanks, but i don't want to have sex; nope, no more booze for me; sorry, but you're not really my type; taco bell? no thanks, i'm not hungry; good evening, officer. isn't it lovely out tonight?; oh, i couldn't! no one wants to hear me sing karaoke; i'm not interested in fighting you; thank you, but i won't make any attempt to dance, i have no coordination. i'd hate to look like a fool; where is the nearest bathroom? i refuse to pee in this parking lot or on the side of the road; i must be going home now, as i have to work in the morning.

lovely day; crime doesn't pay

oooooh, happy day! it's 65* in the house right now. i'm having the first cup of tea i've had in ages, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the air is still, and the neighborhood is quiet. it's just lovely!

i meant to tell you about some excitement we had on thursday. a trucker came from canada to cross the border. he was in the 'fast' lane (free and secure trade) which means he had submitted to a background check and screening to allow him quicker crossing. truckers can get 'fast', people can get 'nexus'.

at any rate, the truck was empty, had cruised through the traffic, and pulled up to the checkpoint. it just so happened the officer who was at this particular checkpoint always sent empty trucks through the vacis (the x-ray area) -- it was this officer's own quirk. then when the truck was x-rayed, something showed up.

the trucker had to pull over to another area and a drug dog was brought. it alerted to trouble and additional officers checked in more depth. secret compartments were found which turned up 22 bags of cash -- $1s, $10s, $20s, and $50s. later that night, after being sorted with two counting machines, the total came out to $1,130,080. that's the biggest currency seizure ever in our area.

the big boss was back east during this time, but her big boss just happened to be visiting for a meeting and got to be present when this was going down. our local paper has an article, along with an article in a tacoma paper, and a seattle paper police blog. there are undoubtedly more, but those give the details.

the money was destined for the los angeles area for the purchasing of drugs which would then be taken back to canada and sold for quite a bit more. i imagine the guy who put up the money is a little ticked-off right now.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

blast from the past

the husband sent me some pix of old cars -- i forgot about them until just now. aren't they cool?! or at least ... interesting?!

'38 Buick...

'41 Chrysler...

'51 Buick...

'51 Chrysler...

'54 Dodge...

Saturday, July 05, 2008

old times

remember the bear and cat game? it's been forever since i played that ....

stuff on my cat/mutt

Be honest...does this shirt make my head look big?

Put that tongue back-in young man!

Did I steal the car and go to Dairy Queen? Nope, you've got the wrong guy.

Next time... just let me stay dirty.


i haven't visited this web site in a long time --

I Still Think She Was Just Fat from Eating
Woman #1 - “She wastes so much time at work. Did you ever notice she eats lunch, like, every day?”
Woman #2 - “Yeah, and do you really have to take maternity leave?”

I Can Feel My Pores Loosening Again
Girl to friend (smiling) - “I am so happy to have gone to the spa!”
Angry preacher passing by (screaming) - “You are all going to hell!”
Girl to friend (no longer smiling) - “I didn't need to hear that.”

We Heart This Guy
Awkward Japanese teacher - “So you guys use text messages, right? Like... L-O-L?”
(students look confused)
(awkward Japanese teacher laughs)
Student, proudly - “I know: L-O-L sensei!”
Awkward Japanese teacher - “Oh em gee.”

We Don't Serve That Here
Customer - “A hot coffee, please.”
Cashier - “Huh?”

Suit - “I think you would really like As Good As It Gets.”
Woman - “Is that the one with Jennifer Aniston?”
Suit - “No, it's Helen Keller.”

take a break

i get such a kick out of Improv Everywhere and had actually forgotten about them until i was scanning my blog entries today.

take a look at the pants-less gag -- i giggled and giggled. the mobile desktop was kinda funny and i loved the music with the brooklyn bridge flash thingy. go here for more vids.

and for sheer laughs, check this out. yes, i know i've had it on before, but it just really tickles me.

if you like to see little babies, go here.

and if you like mysterious cats, go here.


nice day

we went over to our friends' house last night for a 4th of july party. they have a lovely view and their neighbors and other friends all congregated on the large deck. it was very enjoyable. we left at about 8:15 (hubby was sleepy and needed to get up for work the next day) and it was still daylight. the husband went right to bed when we got home and i read for about 30 minutes, then took to the sheets myself. i heard the fireworks for awhile, but i must have been so tired, that when i crashed, i didn't hear anything else until my 2:30 a.m. potty break.

My Older Son, wife, and baby were going to the in-laws for celebrating, i think. and MYS was surely doing something with his soon-to-move-away sweetie.

it didn't rain on us and all-in-all it was a nice day! life is good!

Friday, July 04, 2008

all the news....

sooooo many things i intended to blog about this week, but time went right on by. and i, therefore, have forgotten all of them so i'm going to ramble and see if anything comes back.

my friend mary put her house on the market. they've moved a lot of their stuff out -- knickknacks, extra clothes, some pieces of furniture -- and with the rearranging and general sprucing, their place looks lovely and HUGE. if there are buyers on the market, it shouldn't take them long to sell. good luck, mary!!

this month was 'berry' month at our regular bring-food-to-work lunch. i always hate these things because i've never enjoyed cooking, and since i have so many other interests now and so little time, i begrudge doing the lunch thing. but, trooper that i am, i do try to bestir myself to do something. i bought blueberries and raspberries, washed and culled through them, then added them to a mixture of creamy cool whip, sour cream, and cherry yogurt. it was so delish!!! and how could it not be, eh?!!

and you know that dish which has mandarin oranges, coconut, nuts, other berries, in a creamy pink mixture? ambrosia or something? oh my god. one of the good guys (i really like him and he's such a sweetheart) brought this in and even though i was pretty sure i wouldn't like it, he was expecting everyone to love it, so i put a large dab on my plate. and ate most of it. and smiled. and somehow managed to not gag and throw up in front of everyone. i absolutely hate that stuff and even after i had downed most of it and secretly thrown the rest away, my mouth remembered that taste for at least three hours.

it's been hell here with the temps the last 8 or 9 days. our weather is usually so mild, even the cold isn't bad. but hot is hot everywhere. it was 78 or a few degrees more in the house, and 80s and low 90s outside. i wilt very quickly. and when my body gets hot, my lymphedema instantly gives me trouble. it's already bothering me because of allergies, so the heat just makes me double cranky. but finally the temp dropped into the 70s. the humidity is right on the verge of being a problem though.

and today is the 4th. we're supposed to go to a 'do' this evening, but the forecast is rain. the get-together will be nice, but we're going to be ready to go home hours before anyone else -- we're just not get-together-and-stay-up-late people. but we may surprise ourselves. we're open to surprises.

never did remember what i wanted to say. does this mean i'm a bullshitter?