Wednesday, March 26, 2008

libraries from home

i sent an e-mail to the head of the library system in our county last week. i told her how much my dad had encouraged me to use libraries and that my kids and i had used them, too. then i explained how much i really disliked the interface we're using here in this county. i closed by saying that i appreciated having a library to use.

she replied, thanking my for my letter at length, closing with that she'd like to have one of her computer people meet with me at the library to discuss my problems. i replied back, suggesting the person might prefer to meet me here at the house so we could discuss at leisure.

today the person came by. she was a nice gal, about 7-8 years younger than i, and very low-key. i enjoyed our discussion, which ended up taking 50-60 minutes or so. she listened to my irritations, asked for my opinion of competing systems (we checked out three others), and gave me some tips to help with the truly yucky system we have.

bonus tip: she gave me a great idea for the hubby's birthday present -- the big day is coming up in about two weeks. smiles all around!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

life and times

there are five of us in my group at work, although i have an office in the building on the east end of the third floor and they work in an office on the west end.

friday i was in their office arranging names on a large board when mr billy goat gruff smiled and innocently offered me some of the luscious buttery popcorn he had just microwaved. well honestly, i thought, that's like offering a drink to a wino. but i straightened my spine, turned back to my work, and quoted, "get thee behind me ...". mr gruff shot me a quizzical look (i mean, did he never go to church?) and queried, "get thee behind me?" so i adjured "... satan."

m, the gal who went to school at doane, totally cracked up. "she called you satan" she said, laughing for the next five minutes. mr gruff shot me a look and said, "get thee behind me satan? just remember payback is hell."

true crime -- small town beat

February 27: Police patrolling the school zone came upon a fowl incident. Evidence indicated that a large voracious seagull had broken into a street-side garbage container, purloined a piece of bread, and dragged the pilfered pastry into the street. J. Livingston's intent to ingest apparently averted all his avian attention from approaching autos, as he was summarily executed by same. Amid a chorus of cries and caws from his compadres, officers sealed Mr. Gull's fate and feathers into the bin, which bore the bread of his karmic encounter.

February 26: A concerned mother contacted police upon learning her teenage son had run away with a ne'er-do-well friend of his. Officers searched for the boys, and found them a few hours later. The sensible runaway was taken home by police officers. His sweaty not-so-sensible friend was re-contacted a short time later when he ran out of breath and stopped running, and he too was turned over to his mom.

February 18: Residents at a trailer park reported an intoxicated man sitting on their porch, refusing to leave. Officers located the inebriate several porches away. He was determined to find which home was his through the process of elimination. Officers helped him find the door that fit his key so he could pour himself to bed.

February 14: A police officer specialist observed a man walking in front of the police department who was wanted on a warrant. Police officers contacted the 21-year-old resident nearby and arrested him for the warrant.

February 14: Police were called to assist U.S. Customs with a driver who had been denied entry to Canada. Although the 14-year-old Montana motorist's sense of adventure was compelling and Canadian authorities were impressed with the fact that the car she was driving had been reported stolen in Missoula, they still decided not to allow her to immigrate to the Great White North. The young cowgirl was arrested and the 1979 Buick she'd rustled was towed to the corral.

Friday, March 14, 2008

for the health of it!

i got ahold of a pretty cheap pedometer the other day. couldn't figure out anything except the clock. but it records every time i take a step. almost.

yesterday at work i took 3942 steps. today i took 5239. it doesn't record all my steps though. one time i counted, like, up to 15 and it had only registered 13. another time i counted to 20 and it had 18. i don't worry about any off-counts, but it's kinda interesting to see how much i walk. i mean, i knew i did, but to have it confirmed, cool.

and if my step is about 24 - 28 inches when i'm in a hurry (which is most of the time), then i'm walking quite a distance. and part of the "steps" are going up and down the stairs. i eschew the elevator unless i have to carry something heavy.

and since i started the job i always park in one of the most far-away parking spots. takes me about 6-7 minutes to get into the building.

at any rate, yay me!!


wow -- there's just no time anymore. i suppose it's a matter of priorities, too.

when i get home from work i usually like to change into comfortable clothes, then read. right now i'm reading katie macalister's Holy Smokes. it's the fourth book in a series about a gal who finds out she's part of a world she's never noticed before, and her new boyfriend is a dragon. she has a demon sidekick, in the form of a newfoundland dog, and she gets in one mess after another. there are some totally hilarious lines and it's a light read and great relaxer.

we went down to have a birthday get-together last weekend. Our Older Son's birthday was on the 6th and our Daughter-In-Law's was on the 7th. Grandaughter smiled a lot and happiness was evident all around. it was an excellent day.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

midwestern tradition

yesterday was sadie hawkin's day. did you remember to chase the boy of your choice? you only get one chance in four years to do that, you know.

i found a high school picture of a couple of my girlfriends and our boyfriends going to a sadie hawkin's dance. funny how i can't remember the girls' names, but i remember bing. he was my first love. and he had red hair.

yay nebraska!

a co-worker, who went to school at doane gave me this:

larry the cable guy says you know you're from nebraska if ...
your local dairy queen is closed from september through may,
you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time,
you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number,
you know several people who have hit a cow more than once,
you've gone from 'heat' to 'a/c' in the same day and back again,
you drive 75 mph through 2 ft of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching,
you install security lights on your house and garage, but leave both unlocked,
you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows how to use them,
you design your kid's halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit,
you find 10 degrees 'a little chilly',
driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow,
the i-80 speed limit is 75 mph but you're going 90 and everybody is passing you.

long live life in nebraska!!!