Monday, July 31, 2006


my favorite internet music station is -- they are so great but lately i've noticed that i turn the sound off more and more. today i finally read a little blurb that said they had changed around their format -- that explains why i was becoming dissatisfied.

now the part of the station that is most likely to play the stuff i like is called Low Mercury. they've moved away from the name FrostByte Groove Lounge, which i thought was cool, and replaced it with Groovera, which i think stinks. they've also added a section called Ambient Popsicle, which has more vocals than the other two.


the Young Marrieds came up for a visit this weekend. it was great to see them again and we got to talk about baby names. no ... they aren't preggers yet, but one-of-these-days...

we watched a movie -- 16 blocks -- short review here:

and the weather has finally settled down with some clouds and a nice reduction in temperature. yikes! that 80- and 90-degree stuff is just not for me! give me flannel and sweatpants anyday!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

new career field wide open

sex in space: the stuff of dreams? more like the stuff of nightmares. to me it seems that it would be like trying to run fast underwater -- not as easy as you'd think.

sex in space is going to have to happen, but there are definitely challenges: you perspire more in an outer space habitat, therefore you'll encounter more free-floating fluids; the action/reaction truth may make you look/feel like a slow-motion keystone kop; it's quite easy to get space-travel motion sickness. therefore, sex will probably have to be choreographed, at least until people figure out the trick.

researchers are finding that lack of gravity has a profound impact on fetal development, as well as on medications and other health issues (to say nothing of the logistics of the sex act itself). "So how much gravity is enough?...Think of gravity as a medication. We don't know the dose, we don't know the frequency, and we don't know the side effects." (quotes taken from interesting article at

the article goes on to say that between gravity concerns, radiation, and whatever else we encounter, we must become space aliens if we are to survive as a species. "Our children...will be space aliens...They will be different from us in some way...disturbing, but it's something that we need to think about if we are truly going to be a spacefaring civilization and settle the galaxy."

this intriguing dilemma definitely needs looking into.

window gazing

we had an absolutely beautiful day here, complete with cooler temperatures. the tide was low, so the water wasn't as gorgeous blue as it would have been had the tide been high. still, lovely.

it makes me sad

i got an e-mail from my brother bringing me up-to-date on our dad. if i'm ever diagnosed with alzheimer's and can't do it myself, i beg you to slip me something that will quickly bring about my death.

Let me tell you about Dad. Most of the time he is a happy, friendly guy, who babbles along about his work, and his neighborhood in a conversation that is difficult to follow but not too hard to interact with. His room stinks because he pees on his bathroom floor. His shoes have velcro straps and to him they are Rubic's Cubes. He messes with them constantly and he will never figure them out -- I've got to get him some slippers. Sometimes he stops breathing and that scares the staff, but he wakes up and yells at whoever is trying to revive him, and--- that scares the staff. He sometimes throws temper tantrums, hits, kicks, and scratches. It is amazing how physically able he is compared to everyone else that I've seen in his unit. He has lost weight and become more agile. I'm sure he can out-move any patient in the entire building. This is a problem.

I have to go over there today and find out if I can get him to go with me in the car. He needs to go to the hospital for an evaluation, and will probably have to be relocated to a psychiatric unit. It appears his behavior is getting worse. If not earlier, I will meet with his doctor on Aug. 10. There is still some money left, and his insurance costs half as much as it used to, but now it is almost certain that he'll outlive the funds. So, I need to practice moving him anyway.

Please don't worry about trying to be in touch with Dad. He is already beyond reach. But please know that his nature is a happy one, he has had a good life, and he has given and received much love.

small world

i had an interesting conversation with my best friend mary yesterday -- she was talking about one of her clients and said that he was from pakistan and his wife was from slovenia or somewhere; at any rate he doesn't speak her language and she doesn't speak his -- they use english. but their one-year old daughter will grow up learning all three languages. i wonder how they met and isn't that neat about their daughter!

Friday, July 21, 2006

i don't get it

we've got a situation here that has me just shaking my head. if you've been reading the husband's blog, you know how he feels about our neighbor with the kid in high school. if you haven't been, here are the bare facts:

the boy has a grunge band (he plays drums) and they've practiced the last year in an upstairs room right outside our bedroom window. the dad said they would limit practice so as to end by 9 pm. the dad moved out nine months ago. the band has played 'til 11 pm on several occasions. we refrained from saying anything because it didn't happen very often and thought we'd just ignore it because of their strained family situation. they have two beautiful irish setters (and are baby-sitting another dog) which they allow to occasionally poop in our yard while urination is a more frequent occurrence, and they are almost always off-leash.

the husband finally said 'enough' and politely spoke with the mother -- she agreed something different should happen. nothing changed, so hubby wrote a decent letter asking changes be made. again nothing changed, so hubby called the police about the band; the police came and heard the noise agreeing it was out-of-line; the police spoke with the boys; several of the boys came and apologized to the hubby (although not the neighbor kid). hubby called the animal control people who came out and spoke with someone at the house.

the mother left the house last week on thursday and had a long weekend with a friend until sunday night. while she was gone, the son had a weekend party including beer. when the mom got home, the kid left the house and didn't come back. the mom wrote a letter to hubby and left it on our front porch saying that because WE were not good neighbors, her son had moved out of the house (he was too stressed about the police coming) and she had to pay $160 in fines and now she was all alone (although the son moved back two days later).

the thing that bugs me the most about this situation (besides how uncomfortable it is) is that she straight-faced lied to us. we checked with both the animal control people and the police, and they neither one gave her any tickets.

i do not understand how she could lie about that. it's beyond me. i don't lie and don't tolerate it from other people so i have very little experience with it. how in the world can a supposed adult lie about something so easy to check? she's intelligent (she's a dental hygienist), she's in her 40's, she and her soon-to-be-ex have three boys (senior in high school and two in college), she's soft-spoken, very pretty, and from canada.

i just don't understand the lying.

lighten up

i decided it was time to change to a lighter format. if there's anything you can't read because the print is to light-colored, just highlight it and it'll be visible. but it should be better from now on.

it all makes sense

well finally! an explanation about the concept of ten dimensions that i can understand!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

them men

“Well, as soon as he walks in the door, he says “what are we having for supper” and I say “I’m fixin’ hot dogs with cheese, and brown sugar beans, and a salad with peanut butter cookies for dessert” and he says “I don’t want no hot dogs” and I say “Whaaaaaat? You’ve been eatin’ my hot dogs for forty-five years and now you just don’t want ‘em anymore?” and he says “That’s right. I saw a thing on that Discover channel said you shouldn’t eat no hot dogs and I don’t want no hot dogs.” Can you believe that? Honestly, Betsy, I don’t know how I put up with that man.

“Ah, go on, Ruthie, he’s a good man and if he’s watchin’ his own diet, you’ll have him around that much longer, you know that. And what would you do without him anyhow, I’d like to know. Now, Joey -- he’s gonna end up wearin’ my fryin’ pan if he’s not careful.”

“Oh lordy, what’s he gone and done now, Betsy?”

“Well, you know how I said I’d make Jody’s cake for her weddin’ so I was workin’ on that plus I was puttin’ together a casserole for old Pete since Mabel just died, bless her heart, and I had a whole big lot of washin’ to finish up before Patsy and Jimmy and the boys come up this weekend, so I told Joey I’d like his help with some things. So he gives me that funny look of his and says he has to go out and mow the yard and I say okay and ask if he’d be sure to sweep the sidewalk and porch. You’d think I done asked him to take out his own appendix! But he finally says he’ll make sure it looks okay so what can I say, and I just keep on doing everythin’ else. I finally get the cake done, and put the casserole on the table to cool, and go out back to try to get those clothes taken care of and next thing I know, Joey’s eatin’ that casserole! I coulda killed him!”

“Oh my gawd and I would have finished him off for you. Does the man have absolutely no sense?”

“That’s right. And it’s not as if the funeral was a surprise -- he’s gonna to be one of the pall bearers. And I only make that casserole for when someone’s died.”

“Well, maybe you need to remind him of that fact. And tell him the next time you make it, you might be the only one eating it!”

“I swear, Ruthie, you can’t live with ‘em and you can’t live without ‘em. What’s the answer, I’d like to know.”

“I don’t know, but one thing’s for sure, if Hank wasn’t such a good kisser, I’d have sent him on his way a long time ago, but don’t tell him I said he was a good kisser ..... he’d blush.”

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

small town crime

July 10: A group of juveniles were witnessed having a fruit fight, using hard green unripened plums in the parking lot at the skatepark. The plums that did not connect with the warriors were striking parked cars behind city hall, and at least a couple of incoming rounds struck the occupied blood donation van that was on site for the day. Officers declared and enforced a cease fire and the combatants were identified by police. Everyone is now awaiting damage reports and cost estimates from vehicle owners.

July 10: A passerby reported observing a man urinating beside a business. The man was contacted by police and the matter was resolved.

July 9: Officers were dispatched to a report of a domestic dispute in progress. Officers arrived and discovered that a 10-year-old had called 911 after she was disciplined. No crimes were committed.

July 7: Police received a complaint that a group of juveniles were skateboarding on the new boardwalk and furnishings, possibly causing damage to it and interfering with the enjoyment of pedestrians visiting the new facility. An officer contacted the juveniles to ask that they move to the skateboard park facility. The kids argued with the officer that the boardwalk was not specifically posted to prohibit skate boarding. As it was apparent that education and reason were not working, the skate boards were confiscated and released to an adult who arrived to take responsibility for the youths.

Monday, July 17, 2006

the ages

Stone Age:

Ancient Greece:
“Sister, Agdonimumis has bedded me and Father says I must go with him. I will miss you.”
“And I will miss you, Heclevariottus.”

Medieval Times:
“Victoria, that dreadful Duke has offered for me and Father has accepted. Alas, I am doomed. I will miss you, my dear dear friend.”
“Oh Elizabeth, the darkness struggles to hide the sun, but rainbows always appear. I shall pray for you all of my life.”

Old West:
“Matilda, I am so happy. Matthew has approached Father to ask for my hand.”
“Oh Prudence, that is so fortunate. He is a fine man and we will get to see each other at church every Sunday.”

“Katie, the neatest thing just happened. Todd asked me to marry him. And then he finally kissed me! He’s such a dreamboat.”
“Oh Annie, I always thought he was such a square, but he’s turned out real ducky. I’m happy for you, kiddo.”

“Whoa, it's, like, awesome, you know? I mean, Dudette, he’s gnarly to the max and, like, we’re all, like, classic, you know? So, like, significant others and all, like. It’s just way cool!”
“As if. No way. Get outta here. You and the Steve? Hey Babe, like, that’s, like, so cool. I’m all ohmygod. That is so totally no problem.”

“W00t!11! Ownage, Betts, teh man is mien.”
“Teh shit, girl! Trixy move! Thet roxor 4evar!1!!1!

Some time in the future:

Saturday, July 15, 2006

gimme food

“Are you sure there will be something there?” Antze was grumbling again.

“Sure, I’m sure,” replied Snortz. “It was granddad’s map and I found it hidden in his room, so it’s got to be real.”

“Why didn’t you ask him about it when he was alive?”

“Well now, I didn’t know about the map when he was alive, did I?”

They snipped at each other a little while longer, then settled back into their routine. Antze was the pilot of the massive old ‘bucket of boltz’ as his mom always called it. Snortz was the navigator and communications spec. They each were well versed in a number of other fields, as anyone needed to be who flew in hyperspace. They got along well and managed to earn a pretty good income from their asteroid scavenging.

But their latest venture was risky, especially since it was based on an old map which couldn’t even be authenticated. Granddad was an accomplished explorer in his day, but if this whole thing was just a joke, they would be in debt. On the other hand, this was definitely going to be a treasure map if it turned out to be accurate -- it showed the location of food. Massive amounts of food, just waiting to be plucked. Food was always an issue, and to find a secret storehouse of food would make them rich beyond their dreams.

“Okay, we’ll be coming out of hyperdrive in 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 ...” and suddenly things were right-side-up again. Not literally, of course, since space had no up or down, but the sensation you got in hyperdrive always felt wrong and when you came out again, things felt right. It was weird, but there it was. Everyone just accepted it.

“Antze, you did a great job. We are right on course and need to move in quickly but quietly. Granddad’s notes say the food is semi-intelligent and easily panicked, so we will go in on the dark side and stake out the biggest group. At that point, we can seed the area with doppz, load them in a jiffy, and keep the whole group sleepy but alive until we’re back home.”

“You got it, Snortz, here we go...”

The next morning there was massive panic as humans tried to accept and explain the disappearance of most of the people in the Middle East. It would go unexplained and six months later it would happen again. It would continue that way until there was only a small population left in Australia, Montana, and Wales. Those areas would be left undisturbed for another two thousand years so the food could re-establish itself.

Snortz and Antz would become very rich, and would put a treasure map for their grandchildren in an excellent hiding place.

living by the water

i got up a little while ago and wandered into the kitchen to put my tea water on to boil. shuffling to the windows to adjust the top down-bottom up shades for the day, i noticed a woman out walking her little pomeranian. the woman had stopped and was earnestly looking off toward the trees above the harbor. i followed her gaze and noticed a large number of great blue herons flocking to two of the cedars. since they were only about four houses away, i could see them fairly well, but went into the library to retrieve the binoculars. a couple more herons landed and a few flew away, but at one count there were eleven perched in the tops of the two trees. if i'd been able to see the other sides, the number would have been higher. it was neat.

Friday, July 14, 2006

gaming 5

i know i said i wasn't going to do this, but i can't help it -- i am just so shocked ... 21, 350!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


That jerk! So he thinks he can go out on me and not get found out?! HA! I’m sneaking over to his place and I’m going to catch him in the act!!!

She turned onto the dark, familiar street, drove past five houses then slowly pulled to a stop and shut off the engine and lights. It was a moonless night, which was good. Except that she was just a teensy bit afraid of the dark.

The darkness is my friend. I like the darkness. I am one with the darkness. She chanted the mantra softly, willing it to give her courage.

Suddenly headlights shined in her rear-view mirror. Quickly she ducked down on the seat, making sure she didn’t accidentally hit the brake pedal. She held her breath, waiting for the car to go by, but it got closer and closer then turned into a driveway.

Slowly she sat up, peeking between the headrest and seat, trying to see out the back window. A light came on in the little house with the big front porch. He’s home! All she had to do now was see if he was alone.

She popped the dome light on her old Ford, loosened the tiny bulb, then eased the door open and quietly got out. None of the neighbors were out as far as she could tell, although there was always the chance someone could be sitting on their porch in the dark.

The darkness is my friend. I like the darkness. I am one with the darkness. The words trooped through her mind as she started up the driveway. Abruptly she tripped on a crack and slammed her knee into the concrete before she caught herself.

Damn! That hurt! She managed to pick herself up without any noise and limp toward the illuminated kitchen at the back of the house. The window was open an inch or so and she could just barely hear voices. Plural! The jerk! Then there was a feminine giggle followed by an unconvincing ‘stop that’.

Ha! He should have stopped that before it began! She crept closer, going up on tip-toe to try to catch what they were saying. The back door creaked open unexpectedly and she frantically took a flying leap behind a low hedge in the neighbor’s yard. As she lay there listening, she realized her head, back, bottom, and legs were getting cold. And wet! They must have just finished watering their yard. Damn!

The back door creaked again, there was a distant sound of voices, then the kitchen light went out, soon followed by an upstairs light coming on.
His bedroom! That does it. I’m outta here. That jerk is sooo history.

She sopped back to her car, squished in, and headed out. I mastered the darkness and am mistress of my fate! Look out world; you don’t mess with Kate! She giggled ... unless you’re a cracked driveway or wet lawn.

a movie

generally the husband and i have pretty good luck with movies we get either from the library or from netflix. today, however, we watched Syriana. we thought it was terrible. to save you time from having to search and try and find my review on netflix, let me reprint our impression of this wretched flick:

Who needs films that make Americans look bad? We do that enough by ourselves. (spoiler alert) In this movie we support the bad guy and kill the good guy as well as his family. Sheesh. And why the death of the 6-year old? The plot was disjointed, confusing, convoluted, and bleak, and much of it never made sense. The denouement was sickening -- is this what our government comes down to? I was left with hatred for Americans and hatred for Muslims. What's the point of that? This movie isn't healthy, it fights good world interaction, it (hopefully) is nowhere near accurate, and isn’t even entertaining. Too many characters, no morals, very depressing, and plenty of so-so acting, with the sole exception of Alexander Siddig (the Prince) and his sadly futile efforts to make his country a better place. What a waste of time!

and there you have it. if you have any thoughts as to the movie's redeeming value, please comment. and if you didn't like it either, that comment is welcome, too.

gaming. again.

oooooo ... new games!

if you like to do tangrams, go here --

if you like mahjongg, go here --

or if you like easy maze games, go here --

there were others, but they were too hard, i mean, didn't interest me.

gaming 4

okay, this is the last time i'm going to post on this game: i just got 17,550.

makes no sense to me ... i seem to be better the first time of the day, then deteriorate rapidly after that. regardless, mum's the word from now on.

but hey, you try it (some more) and tell me if you get better --

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

gaming 3

oh my goodness -- i got 13,650 on that silly game. i wouldn't even mention it, except that it's so hard to do!

(six minutes later) no wait ... i got 14, 350!!! yay for me!

Monday, July 10, 2006


we like watching movies and i prefer to be entertained (comedy, action, chick flick) rather than elucidated (documentary), frightened (horror), or bored (historical).

we have discovered the library has a treasure trove of movies, and have gobbled them down the last few months.

my favorites have been the Firefly and Serenity shows, and all of the Poirot series starring the delightful David Suchet.

today we discovered Computer Animation Showcase (by Sony Music Entertainment, Odyssey Productions). in the 60's and early 70's i saw several claymation and animated shorts, and enjoyed them immensely. this collection is computer graphics, however since it was produced in 1997 it certainly isn't indicative of cutting edge artwork.

regardless, several of the shorts were excellent, a couple were funny, three were interesting, two were cute, and the others were either okay, strange, confusing, stupid, beyond dumb, or icky.

if you get a chance to watch the video, let me know what you think of Luxo Jr. In "Light & Heavy" (excellent), Walking Around (interesting), Tosio (funny), Fan-tasy (cute), Stomach Pump (funny), JuJu Shampoo (interesting), A Time For Love (cute), and Beyond The Walls (excellent).

gaming 2

oooo -- i just got 12,550 on that silly easter egg game.

a matter of "try, try again"?

nah ... luck.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

outta here

we're off to the place for four or five days -- going to spiff it up a bit.


i found a new game to play -- it's at . it's challenging but interesting and i don't ever get a very high score. my last game was 7900 or something like that. i once got 11,xxx but that was definitely an anomaly. it takes quick thinking/responding, the ability to mentally shift quickly around color patterns, and a bit of spatial thinking. enjoy!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

universal learning

“So that’s how I’m doing. How are you?” Soulle 103-1610 was happy and rested, and looking forward to getting caught up with her friend again.

Soulle 103-1611 was still dealing with the effects of her last class. “It was difficult. I accomplished my Self-Purpose and my Other Purposes, but my Challenges ended up being so challenging that I almost put my Gain/Fall Ratio in the negative. It worked out, but I wouldn’t want to repeat that exact assignment.”

Soulle 103-1610 sent soothing, supportive thoughts to her friend. “Have you worked out another class or has Spirgui indicated Restaway?”

“Actually, we had Deep Talk on that recently. It is felt that I should Immediately Immerse myself with a new task. It’s exciting to think about because there are some real pluses, but I’m going to have Challenges similar to what I just experienced, so I know ahead of time that it will be hard.”

“Wow, ImmeImmer. Either you did really well or really badly to get that quick turn-around.”

“I know. I still have some Resting Time, but I’m actually looking forward to jumping right back in. Maybe I can handle my Cs better this way ..... still fresh and all that.”

“Has your Place and Length been worked out?”

“Yes, it’s MW2-64 and 200 years before my last time. I’m still deciding, but I think Male with 65 years.”

“Back to Earth?! I always get very nervous about those Earth classes -- they can be very stressful.”

“Yes, but you learn so much. I will have three OPs and only one SP. I usually do really well on my OPs and my G/F ratio on my SPs is always plus. The Cs are going to definitely be that -- challenging -- but ImmeImmer should help with recovery on those issues.”

“Oh!” said Soulle 103-1610, “I feel The Pull so I must go to the place. I wish you energy and starlight on your assignment, and will see you at the next Resting Time.”

“Good-bye. Love and starlight to you, friend.”

med news

"Overdoses of acetaminophen are the leading cause of acute liver failure." ( yes, that's what they say now -- and don't take more than 4 grams a day (2 if you're a heavy drinker).

personally i never gave up aspirin when they came out with tylenol, and never even looked at ibuprofen (and doesn't it mess with kidneys anyhow?).

maybe it's just like the old folks say ... "use/do *whatever* in moderation" and "just because it's new doesn't mean it's better".